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Global Stakeholder Engagement Launches Capacity Development Survey

9 January 2019

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In the ongoing efforts to prioritize the delivery of capacity development services, the Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) team is requesting participation in a short Stakeholder Capacity Development Survey. The survey will run from 8-22 January 2019, with an aim to publish the results and analysis in late February 2019. Responses to this survey will provide the ICANN organization's regional engagement teams with the necessary data to assess regional priorities and facilitate ongoing discussions with the community that will inform future regional work plans and engagement strategies.

Capacity development has become a key piece of the ICANN org's engagement in the regions. Based on preliminary data collected from the regional engagement teams, it's clear that requests for technical and leadership training, as well as general knowledge of ICANN and its mission, are increasing. By assessing the priorities of various community groups and regions, the ICANN org will be able to ensure that resources and engagement efforts are focused in a way that meets the needs of the community.

Responses will also help inform how and where different capacity development services will be provided and measured. These responses will help to ensure that community needs are being sufficiently addressed, and that capacity development services are being assessed and measured. In addition to the publication of the analysis and results, future engagement plans and budget exercises will consider these results and outline how they have been taken into consideration when planning for activities, online learning (https://learn.icann.org/) and in-person capacity development resource requests.

The survey does not ask that respondents specify or suggest courses that they would like delivered. Instead, the survey asks respondents to first prioritize the high-level learning areas that should be focused on (ICANN/DNS knowledge, personal skill-building, etc.); then within those high-level areas, respondents are asked to prioritize various sub-topics that are most relevant. This methodology will allow the ICANN org to assess topics and needs that are most important and allow for the development and planning of both online and in-person training and skill-building opportunities.

This short survey was initially released as a pilot in two of ICANN's engagement regions (Africa and Eastern Europe/Central Asia) in advance of ICANN63 in Barcelona, Spain. Responses to the pilot survey will be included among the new survey responses and in the subsequent analysis; there is no need to take the survey again if you have already provided feedback. Interested stakeholders from the Africa and Eastern Europe/Central Asia regions who have not yet had an opportunity to provide input are encouraged to respond.

The survey is available now and will be open through 22 January 2019. If you encounter any issues with the survey or have any questions regarding the data collected, please contact Jeannie Ellers of the Global Stakeholder Engagement team (gse_planning@icann.org).


Sally Costerton

Sally Costerton

Sr. Advisor to President & SVP, Global Stakeholder Engagement and Interim President & CEO