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ICANN Launches a Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit

18 April 2024
By David Olive

I am thrilled to announce the launch of ICANN's Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit, a pivotal resource to support the implementation of the Work Stream 2 (WS2) recommendations. This toolkit is the result of WS2 Recommendation 1.6, which calls for ICANN organization staff to provide support and tools for the Supporting Organizations, Advisory Committees, and other community groups to assist them in assessing their diversity. It is designed to empower our community groups in assessing, measuring, and promoting diversity within and across their membership.

The Diversity Toolkit not only fulfills the goals of Recommendation 1.6 but also contributes significantly to the implementation of other WS2 Diversity recommendations, including the assessment of diversity criteria, the establishment of objectives and strategies, and the regular updating of diversity assessments within each community group.

The Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit's goal is to actively contribute to creating an environment where everyone feels welcomed, valued, understood, and appreciated. Specifically, the toolkit aims to:

  • Define Diversity and Inclusion: Clearly articulate how ICANN defines diversity and inclusion.
  • Emphasize Their Importance: Clarify the significance of diversity and inclusion within the ICANN community.
  • Assess the Situation: Promote analysis of diversity perspectives of community groups through surveys that were created by the community.
  • Promote Action: Offer practical tips and best practices to enhance diversity and foster inclusivity.

This flexible and practical resource allows users to navigate the Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit online based on their specific needs. Whether it's making positive changes in attracting diverse community members, addressing specific diversity elements, or enhancing personal understanding of key issues, the Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit provides actionable guidance. In addition to its contents, the toolkit includes links to complementary online sources for a deeper dive into specific concepts, enriching the users' understanding of diversity and inclusion.

The release of the Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit also supports one of ICANN's Operating Initiatives, "Evolve and Strengthen the Multistakeholder Model to Facilitate Diverse and Inclusive Participation in Policymaking." The toolkit therefore exemplifies our commitment to nurturing a multistakeholder environment that embraces diversity in all facets.

As we launch this toolkit, we invite all ICANN community members to actively use it as a practical resource. By following the guidance provided in the toolkit, we collectively contribute to the evolution and strengthening of ICANN's multistakeholder model, fostering an inclusive community that reflects the diversity of the global Internet governance landscape.

Stay tuned for updates, and let's embark on this transformative journey together!


David Olive

David Olive