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GNSO Review Deadline Extended to 23 September - Participate and Make Your Voices Heard!

5 September 2014
By Jen Wolfe

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I became involved in the GNSO Review for several reasons. Recognizing that organizational reviews are an essential component of ICANN's commitment to continuous improvement, accountability and transparency, I wanted to take part in shaping this important process. Additionally, the review provides a timely opportunity for the GNSO to reflect upon our self-improvement efforts as we acknowledge areas that are working well, identify areas that need improvement and work toward affecting needed changes. I am committed to a collaborative effort resulting in useful and productive improvements and am very excited to share with you our accomplishments to date.

As the Chair of the 2014 GNSO Review Working Party, I have the privilege of working with 19 dedicated and passionate individuals, who represent the diversity of the GNSO community. We've held 10 meetings and provided extensive input and feedback on key aspects of the GNSO Review in the short time that our group has been assembled to act as a liaison between the GNSO, the Independent Examiner and the SIC.

360 Assessment is a good example of our collaborative and dedicated approach. A new component within the organizational review, the 360 Assessment is designed to gather data for the Independent Examiner to use in the GNSO Review process and also may inform GNSO self-improvement efforts. This online tool collects feedback from the GNSO community, other ICANN structures and community members, the Board and staff.

Since its launch in early August, nearly 60 people provided their feedback already. This is a great opportunity for you and I invite you to participate in the 360 Assessment and make your voice heard. The survey is tailored to your involvement, experience and participation in the GNSO activities. It's an easy-to-use tool and generally takes between 15 and 60 minutes to complete, depending on your level of familiarity and involvement.

We have extended the deadline to respond to 23 September and we would greatly appreciate your valuable and timely input.

The Independent Examiner, Westlake Governance Limited (Westlake) developed and is managing the 360 Assessment. Westlake will collate, analyze and summarize all responses, and will supplement the assessment survey with other methods of data collection including a review of documents, observations of GNSO work and one-on-one interviews. Westlake will provide their initial findings later this year and will collect input and feedback from the ICANN community through the public comment process.

They will issue their final report in early 2015.

On behalf of the GNSO, I thank you for participating in the GNSO Review 360 Assessment and making your voice heard!

Helpful information:


Jen Wolfe

GNSO Council, Chair of the 2014 GNSO Review Working Party