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10 Years of EuroDIG: Estonia’s Contribution to the Multistakeholder Model

21 June 2017
By Jean-Jacques Sahel

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Tallinn, Estonia, is a powerhouse of innovation, well known around the world as the hotbed for start-ups and cutting-edge e-government.

This June, Tallinn also became the unofficial European capital of the Internet by hosting the 10th installment of EuroDIG, which was held from 6-7 June. ICANN was there to participate in the celebrations and show our continued support for this important gathering of regional Internet stakeholders.

EuroDIG is always an excellent opportunity for us to educate the 500+ delegates in attendance about the important work being conducted within the ICANN community, and encourage them to participate and have their voice heard.

ICANN's delegation included CEO and President Göran Marby, four board members, Chief Security and Stability Officer John Crain, several stakeholder engagement team members, and dozens of members from the ICANN community's various constituencies, who were among the most active participants and speakers attending the meeting.

During his 'lightning talk' at EuroDIG's closing plenary session, Göran touched upon a variety of key ICANN-related topics, such as the upcoming Root Zone Key Signing Key (KSK) Rollover, Cybersecurity, issues facing the Internet today and more. These topics were also covered during a dedicated ICANN workshop, as well as a wide array of other sessions where members of ICANN's team were participating as either speakers or moderators. They discussed issues such as the impact of the Internet on work, human rights, domain name innovation and competition, cybersecurity, and more. At the ICANN booth, Board Members worked side by side with constituency members to answer questions from those in attendance.

All of these exchanges and dialogues enabled us to increase awareness about what ICANN is, what it does and how and why to participate in it, as well as encouraging stakeholders on the ground to get engaged in the community's ongoing work.

EuroDIG continues to be a major date in the European Internet-related events calendar, and its agenda allows for a much-needed exchange on some of the major economic and social questions that affect European stakeholders. I look forward to seeing you all during next year's edition in Georgia!


Jean-Jacques Sahel