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DNS Risk Assessment (1st Iteration) for Public Consultation

28 May 2014

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In November 2013 at ICANN 48 in Buenos Aires, the ICANN Board adopted the ICANN DNS Risk Management Framework ("Framework") and in February 2014 a group of selected ICANN staff undertook an initial (limited scope) DNS risk assessment using the Framework.

The initial DNS risk assessment was intended to serve as a pilot, given the evolutionary nature of the Internet and ICANN's multi-stakeholder model.

The results of this assessment can be found here [PDF, 432 KB] in the form of a consultation paper for the community. In addition, an accompanying risk categorization reflecting the risks initially identified can be found within the 'resilience model' within this link [PDF, 312 KB].

In ICANN 50 in London, ICANN intends on holding a session with the community to discuss the consultation paper, the questions posed in that paper and the initial risks identified.

It is intended to use the consultation feedback to make further refinements to the assessment process. Future risk assessments are expected to actively involve the community and include the development of risk remediation strategies and plans.