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Answers to the Top 10 Questions About the Proposed Next-Generation Registration Directory Services to Replace WHOIS

25 August 2014

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Should you be interested in the DNS, registration services, WHOIS and related issues, join the Expert Working Group on gTLD Directory Services (EWG) for an interactive online Q&A about next generation Registration Directory Services (RDS).

Date: Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Time: 19:00-20:30 UTC (time converter: http://tinyurl.com/qbxp6w6)

Date: Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Time: 13:00-14:30 UTC (time converter: http://tinyurl.com/ozzcn65)

You are invited to an interactive session with the EWG, focusing on the Final Report by the EWG as well as a set of Frequently Asked Questions regarding the EWG Report. In this session, EWG members will answer the top 10 questions asked about the proposed RDS and explore new questions posed by attendees.

The EWG was formed to reexamine the purpose and provision of gTLD registration data, envisioning a next-generation solution to replace today's WHOIS that will better serve the needs of the global Internet community.

The Final Report represents the culmination of an intense 15+ month effort during which this diverse group of volunteers considered over 2600 pages of public comments, survey responses, and research results.

Ultimately, the EWG agreed that today's WHOIS model of giving every user the same entirely anonymous public access to often-inaccurate data should be abandoned. The EWG's 166-page Final Report details a proposed next-generation RDS that would collect, validate and disclose gTLD registration data for permissible purposes only, leaving minimum data publicly available while safeguarding the rest through a new paradigm of gated access.

Attend this session to better understand and ask any questions you may have about how the proposed RDS tackles, in an unprecedented manner:

  • Difficult data privacy issues;
  • Validation challenges that have long degraded data quality and accuracy; and
  • Striking a workable balance between access and accountability.

Don't miss this opportunity to more deeply explore key features of the proposed RDS – the foundation from which the community (through the GNSO) can develop a new global policy for gTLD registration data to protect personal privacy and ensure greater accuracy, accountability, and transparency for the entire ICANN ecosystem for years to come.

Webinar Materials

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Wednesday, 17 September 2014