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Tracking the Future of the New gTLD Program

28 يناير 2015

بالإضافة إلى لغات ICANN، فإن هذا المحتوى متوفر أيضاً باللغة

The New gTLD Program, one of the most important developments in the Internet space in recent years, continues to gain momentum: over 400 new gTLDs have been introduced so far, and still counting. The Program represents significant work by the ICANN community, and we continue to hear from more people interested in learning about these opportunities and how to participate.

What's next? ICANN is committed to opening another application window for new gTLDs as quickly as possible, but there is a lot of work to be done first.

ICANN is currently focusing resources on a series of New gTLD Program reviews to evaluate the results of the Program so far in light of the original goals. We expect the reviews to reflect valuable input from the community, including lessons and best practices that will inform consideration of future procedures.

To better track the review efforts, we've created a new online home for information about the program reviews. This is intended to provide a consolidated resource for keeping up to date on the multiple reviews and activities that are anticipated to take place with respect to the Program.

Read about New gTLD Program Reviews now.

Individual pages provide detail on each review area, including:

  • Program Implementation – A review of the efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of the New gTLD Program
  • Security & Stability – A review of the New gTLD Program's impact on the DNS root system
  • Rights Protection – A review of the effectiveness of rights protection mechanisms such as the Trademark Clearinghouse, Uniform Rapid Suspension system, and Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedures
  • Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice (CCT) – A review under the ICANN's Affirmation of Commitments that will include consideration of the Program's impact in these areas, as well as the effectiveness of the Program's evaluation procedures and safeguard elements.

Going forward, you'll find relevant reports, drafts, and public comment fora on these pages. We've also published an updated draft of the Work Plan for New gTLD Program Reviews and Assessments [PDF, 691 KB], to present progress in each area and to account for current timelines for the various activities (for those who like redlines, see what's changed here [PDF, 428 KB]).

We encourage you to take a look at the new Program Reviews page and to participate in and support the activities that will help inform the development of the next round of the New gTLD Program. Full participation and input from the Internet community are key to making these reviews successful.

Finally, we invite you to join us in Singapore, or remotely, from wherever you are, on 9 February 2015 for a session on the New gTLD Program: Status, Reviews and Next Round at ICANN's 52nd public meeting. View the ICANN 52 schedule for more details.


Karen Lentz

Karen Lentz

VP Policy Research & Stakeholder Programs