مدونات ICANN

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Steve Goldstein and Susan Crawford live

17 أغسطس 2007
بقلم Pablo Hinojosa

هذا المحتوى متوفر فقط باللغة (أو اللغات)

  • English

Two members of the Board, Steve Goldstein and Susan Crawford, addressed the ICANN fellows during the San Juan meeting. They gave interesting talks about the history of the net and the history of ICANN.

You can listen to their conferences here:

Steve Goldstein Susan Crawford

Photos by Joi Ito

Podcast roll

Steve Goldstein

(total 46:07)

Steve Goldstein
Photo by Joi Ito

Steve moves through the history that goes between a 64kbps international link to the 5Mbps connection he has at his home. He describes the start of a new profession: an international connections manager. And he explains the key of working from the grass-root level to build networks around the world. It seems incredible why downloading a document, such as the RFC 1591 short file text, was so complicated just a few years ago when there was no web. And finally he addresses the question of why ICANN (does not) rule?

Susan Crawford

(total 24:16)

Susan Crawford

Photo by Joi Ito

Susan speaks about why she became involved in ICANN, her background (“a rebel who become a lawyer, a musician that went to law school”), ICANN’s founding myth (“the immaculate conception”) and intellectual property matters as they relate to ICANN.

On the last minute of the audio, starting at 23:10, she makes an invitation to participate in the One Web Day initiative around the world, to celebrate the changes that the Internet has done in human lives.

We hope you find these conferences interesting. They might even help to convince you to apply to ICANN’s fellowships program, active now for the next meeting in Los Angeles (29 October – 2 November). Remember that the closing day for applications is next Friday, 24 August.


Pablo Hinojosa