مدونات ICANN

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Information Transparency Initiative Update: New Content Available on Preview for Your Feedback

29 سبتمبر 2020

As ICANN org President and CEO Göran Marby wrote about in his May 2020 blog, the Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) team is releasing new content to https://preview.icann.org on a regular basis. This https://icann.org content has been improved with ITI’s enhanced search features. Today, we added new content and improved previously released content including:

  • Correspondence - New findability improvements include keyword(s) search allowing you to narrow your search within Correspondence files, an advanced year selector, a helpful sub-navigation menu, and an improved table layout to enhance accessibility and readability.
  • Board Meeting Materials - We’ve made upgrades to this content type since the May 2020 release. The keyword(s) search has been implemented and improved, and most Board Meeting files and pages from 1998-2019 are now available via filtered or keyword search.
  • Acronyms and Terms - Enhancements to the existing release include alignment with ITI’s new user experience, additional terms added in all six U.N. languages, and a new sub-navigation menu.

We Need Your Feedback

The entire ITI team thanks the community for your feedback on our previous releases. If you missed the feedback webinars, you can access the recordings here and here. To support our current release, we invite the community to join us for two upcoming webinars. The team will demonstrate the enhancements to Correspondence, Board Materials, and Acronyms and Terms, and answer any questions.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020
15:00 UTC (all other times: https://tinyurl.com/y2nt2xlr

Zoom Registration URL: https://icann.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrdeGgpjsoGt3ELM9R3OiXdONQ3gn2vGrm

Tuesday, 1 December 2020
22:00 UTC (all other times: https://tinyurl.com/y4k6zqge

Zoom Registration URL: https://icann.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcvfumhrD8rG9Ost34DYBtaMBxKo1LkOlMg

Take the time to review the experience on the current https://icann.org and then experiment with the improved content available via http://preview.icann.org. Some of the questions to think about when you are trying out the new content include:

  • Are we on the right track?
  • Are the search filters useful?
  • Are there filters you would like to add?

If you can’t attend the webinars, the sessions will be recorded and posted to https://feedback.icann.org. If you prefer to make your comments anonymously, you can complete a survey about the release, which is also available on the feedback site.

As I’ve written about before but it bears repeating, the ITI team cannot do this without your feedback, and we are thankful for your encouraging input and helpful recommendations.

We look forward to speaking with you at our upcoming webinars, and don’t forget to register.

Helpful Links

Preview Site: https://preview.icann.org

Feedback Site: https://feedback.icann.org

Current Site: https://icann.org

Tuesday, 1 December 2020
15:00 UTC (all other times: https://tinyurl.com/y2nt2xlr

Zoom Registration URL: https://icann.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrdeGgpjsoGt3ELM9R3OiXdONQ3gn2vGrm

Tuesday, 1 December 2020
22:00 UTC (all other times: https://tinyurl.com/y4k6zqge
Zoom Registration URL: https://icann.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcvfumhrD8rG9Ost34DYBtaMBxKo1LkOlMg


ITI is an operational activity to improve ICANN’s content governance and infrastructure. ITI's goals include:

  • Creating an integrated ongoing, operational process to govern, preserve, organize, and secure ICANN's public content.
  • Implementing this governance through a new document management system (DMS), the content foundation for ICANN ecosystem-wide governance.
  • Surfacing this content through a new content management system (CMS), which will serve as the backbone for ICANN's external web properties.
  • Enabling a multilingual user experience (in the U.N. six languages) and aim to adhere to W3C AA accessibility standards.
  • Upgrading and establish a future-proof and content agnostic technology landscape.


Sally Newell Cohen

Sally Newell Cohen

SVP, Global Communications