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ICANN56 Technical Report Now Available!

18 يوليو 2016

هذا المحتوى متوفر فقط باللغة (أو اللغات)

  • English

We're pleased to present the ICANN56 Technical Report, which summarizes our findings from ICANN's first Policy Forum. Meeting technical reports are part of ICANN's commitment to transparency. These metrics also help us improve meetings, as we learn what attendees want, what we are doing well and where we can improve.

The report presents the data in an accessible and easy-to-read format – using charts, graphics and tables. Highlights of the findings include:

  • 1,436 attendees, 24% first-time attendee
  • 264 sessions held
  • Most attended session: Welcome and Multistakeholder Ethos Award Presentation
  • 477 mobile app users with 355 schedules created
  • 400 meeting website users and 37,106 pages viewed
  • 1,344 remote participants
  • Streaming hours: 36% English, 14% French, 14% Spanish, 9% Arabic, 9% Chinese, 9% Portuguese, 9% Russian

Our goal is to improve on the metrics we collect each meeting. We are also analyzing trends by comparing data meeting over meeting. Learning about trends gives us greater insights into how we are meeting the needs of attendees, and informs the kinds of changes we need to make. We expect to release this information soon – stay tuned!

Click here to download the full ICANN56 Technical Report [PDF, 5.92 MB].

And don't forget to tell us what you thought about the Policy Forum! Take the post-ICANN56 survey!

If you have questions, don't hesitate to email mts@icann.org.


Josh Baulch

Josh Baulch

Director, Stakeholder Participation and Engagement