مدونات ICANN

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ICANN Open Data Platform 1.0: A Multistakeholder Success

23 مارس 2020
بقلم Susanna Bennett

On Wednesday, 11 March 2020, ICANN officially launched version 1.0 of the Open Data Platform. During the Open Data session at ICANN67, the ICANN organization provided an informational overview of the platform, its features, and registration benefits. Now we want to hear from you! Provide your feedback on the platform and your user experience, here.

The Open Data Platform 1.0 marks an important milestone. Through the platform, ICANN org is reinforcing its commitment to providing the global Internet community with access to the data it manages via an open platform. The publication of the data aims to help build trust between the ICANN org and the community and allows both to work towards enhancing accountability and processes.

Benefits of the platform

Users who register on the platform can save customized analyses, generate API keys, and track their API quota usage. Additionally, feedback from registered users will aid in future platform improvements and data availability.

Have an ICANN account? Good news! You’re already registered and you can launch the platform application from your ICANN account portal.

How did we get here?

Initially, the community tasked ICANN org with the development of a program focused on the release of open data. The org’s Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) started the process by piloting and testing different models of platforms and evaluated data release conditions during the Open Data Initiative (ODI). After this stage was completed, the Office of the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Engineering and Information Technology (E&IT) team operationalized ODI and started developing the platform in what later became ICANN’s Open Data Program (ODP). The operationalization of this program remained faithful to transparency and accountability principles through the Public Comment process and other participation mechanisms.

The community’s role in the success of Open Data Platform 1.0

The community’s input was fundamental to the development of the first version of the platform and steered the prioritization of data release, as well as different aspects and features of the platform. Through Public Comment, the community shared its interest in specific data managed by the ICANN org and provided input during ICANN Public Meetings. We thank the community for following the development of this process and for its contributions to the data release. 

What’s next?

We still need your input! Please take the time to register and explore the Open Data Platform. Your feedback will be critical in order for us to continually improve the platform and user experience. You can provide your input, here.


Susanna Bennett

Susanna Bennett