مدونات ICANN

اقرأ مدونات ICANN لتبقى على اطلاع على آخر أنشطة وضع السياسات والمحافل الإقليمية وغيرها.

ICANN Issues Breach Notice to Net 4 India Limited; Continues Support for Registrants

15 ديسمبر 2020

UPDATE: Read the announcement published on 26 February 2021 to learn about recent developments.

UPDATE: Read the announcement published on 29 January 2021 to learn about recent developments.

As noted in the previous blog, ICANN organization (org) has been taking action to protect registrants during insolvency proceedings involving the registrar Net 4 India Limited. I want to give the community an update on recent ICANN contractual compliance activity, and a reminder of the resources available to those affected.

On 10 December 2020, ICANN Contractual Compliance issued a Notice of Breach of Net 4 India Limited's Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA). You can read the full notice here. The notice addresses RAA violations detected through the processing of complaints submitted to ICANN Contractual Compliance, as well as through ICANN org's own monitoring of the registrar's compliance with its RAA obligations. If the registrar fails to cure all breaches by 31 December 2020, ICANN org may initiate the RAA termination process.

The breach notice does not encompass all complaints that are currently in process as some continue to be within the informal resolution phase. Additional breach notices may be issued if the registrar fails to demonstrate compliance with respect to complaints that are not included in this notice. The resolution time for each complaint will depend on the complexity of the complaint, as well as the time needed by the registrar to respond completely and remediate, as applicable.

ICANN Assistance to Registrants and Affected Users

ICANN org will continue to provide direct assistance to the affected registrants and users through various avenues. The previous blog details how to access the available resources, including how to transfer a domain name or file a complaint. Please read the detailed instructions in this blog to ensure you provide the information and evidence required.

Before submitting a complaint, please confirm the domain name is registered with Net 4 India Limited or Openprovider, as Net 4 India Limited also acts as a reseller for Openprovider. You can check the publicly available registration information for the domain name to verify your registrar here.

ICANN's Global Support Center, as well as our Head of India, Samiran Gupta, continue to respond by email and the telephone to registrants seeking guidance and information. ICANN Contractual Compliance has also been providing clarifications and additional information to complainants. ICANN org's resource hub for registrants can be found here.

If you have already submitted a complaint containing the required information and evidence, ICANN Contractual Compliance will address it and communicate with you directly. ICANN org is closely monitoring the situation and will continue to take actions to protect registrants' rights where the registrar fails to comply with its contractual obligations.


Jamie Hedlund

Jamie Hedlund

SVP, Contractual Compliance & U.S. Government Engagement