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Co-Chairs Statement from CCWG-Accountability Meeting in Copenhagen

15 مارس 2017

بالإضافة إلى لغات ICANN، فإن هذا المحتوى متوفر أيضاً باللغة

On 10 March 2017, the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) held a full day face-to-face meeting prior to ICANN58 in Copenhagen, Denmark. 90 members and participants attended in-person, and many others joined remotely using the virtual meeting room, to further discussions on Work Stream 2 (WS2).

The CCWG-Accountability used the meeting to receive updates from its sub-groups and inform the ICANN community about the status of its work. The CCWG-Accountability also made substantive progress in the following areas:

  • SO/AC accountability: The CCWG-Accountability completed a successful first reading of the draft recommendations of the Supporting Organization and Advisory Committee (SO/AC) Accountability sub-group.
  • Staff accountability: The CCWG-Accountability worked with the Staff Accountability sub-group to define the scope and expectations for the sub-group’s recommendations.
  • Finalizing sub-group recommendations: The CCWG-Accountability agreed to put each sub-group report out for public comment and gain approval by the full CCWG-Accountability before finalization. The group also agreed to put the total package of finalized sub-group reports out for public comment to identify any inconsistencies between the various recommendations.
  • Chartering Organization approval: The CCWG-Accountability suggested that Chartering Organizations approve the finalized sub-group reports in small chunks, rather than all at once. This will help the Chartering Organizations with document management and not result in a heavy impact on each SO or ACs normal operations.
  • Timing: The CCWG-Accountability concluded that, despite progress made by each of the sub-groups, the CCWG-Accountability will not complete its final recommendations by the end of the fiscal year 2017. A discussion on carrying forward resources to the next fiscal year has been initiated with ICANN, however the CCWG-Accountability expects to stay within the initially proposed budget.

The CCWG-Accountability was pleased to have Göran Marby, Steve Crocker and George Sadowsky in attendance for the meeting. Their participation led to a discussion on the role of the ICANN CEO, staff and community, and how to increase the accountability and transparency of their collaboration. The group agreed to establish a pilot project on these topics with the Staff Accountability sub-group with the objective of determining if improvements can be made to some of the systemic issues identified by the sub-group.

The CCWG-Accountability co-Chairs recognize the outstanding dedication of its volunteers, and express gratitude to ICANN staff for their diligent and skilled support. For more information on the CCWG-Accountability, or to view meeting archives and draft documents, please refer to the group’s dedicated wiki page.

CCWG-Accountability WS2 is an open group. Anyone interested in the work of the CCWG-Accountability can join as a participant or observer. For more information about how to join the CCWG-Accountability, please send an email to acct-staff [at] icann.org.


CCWG-Accountability co-Chairs
Thomas Rickert, León Sánchez, Mathieu Weill