مدونات ICANN

اقرأ مدونات ICANN لتبقى على اطلاع على آخر أنشطة وضع السياسات والمحافل الإقليمية وغيرها.

2006 Annual Report

21 ديسمبر 2006
بقلم Office of the Ombudsman

هذا المحتوى متوفر فقط باللغة (أو اللغات)

  • English

Bylaw V requires that I provide the Board of Directors and the ICANN community with an annual report of my activities as Ombudsman. The Second Annual Report was presented to the Board at the Sao Paulo meeting.

It can be found on the ICANN Ombudsman webpage in several languages.


Office of the Ombudsman