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Nominating Committee Convenes in Seoul

4 ديسمبر 2009

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  • English

The 2010 ICANN Nominating Committee (NomCom) has been convened and met for the first time on 30-31 October 2009, immediately following the 36th International ICANN Public Meeting in Seoul, South Korea.

Prior to the Seoul meeting, on 27 August 2009, the ICANN Board appointed Wolfgang Kleinwächter as NomCom Chair. Wolfgang has selected Hartmut Glaser as Associate Chair. In accordance with the ICANN Bylaws, Tricia Drakes, the previous NomCom Chair, will serve as Advisor to the current NomCom.

2010 NomCom will select:

  • Three members of the ICANN Board of Directors
  • Two members of the At-Large Advisory Committee (for the European and North American regions)
  • One member of the Council of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO)
  • One member of the Council of the Country-Code Names Supporting Organization (ccNSO)

Those selected by the NomCom will take their seats at the end of the 2010 ICANN Annual Meeting 5-10 December 2010.

At its meeting in Seoul, the NomCom discussed and agreed outreach strategy, defined sub-Committees, identified phases of the selection process, set a timeline for activities during 2009-2010 and established procedures for the evaluation and selection phase. The NomCom's 2010 website is now available and candidate recruitment is ongoing since 13 November 2009 with 2 April 2010 as deadline for submissions of interest.

The NomCom intends to hold a workshop during the ICANN meeting in Nairobi, Kenya (7-12 March 2010, see http://nbo.icann.org/) to provide information about progress and process and answer questions. The date of the workshop will be confirmed once the Nairobi meeting schedule is finalized.

The following individuals have been appointed to the 2010 Nominating Committee:

Wolfgang Kleinwächter - Chair
Hartmut Glaser - Associate Chair
Tricia Drakes - Advisor (as previous Chair of the Nom Com)
Yaovi Atohoun - ALAC, Africa
Jeff Bedser - Security and Stability Advisory Committee (non-voting liaison)
Olivier M.J. Crépin-Leblond - ALAC, Europe
Margarita Valdes Cortes - ccNSO Representative
Eduardo Diaz - ALAC, North America
Jan Gruntorád - Higher Education Representative
Tony Holmes - GNSO, Internet Service Providers Constituency
Norbert Klein - GNSO, Non-Commercial Users Constituency
Bill Manning - Root Server System Advisory Committee (non-voting liaison)
Chris Martin - GNSO, Business Constituency (Large)
Elliot Noss - GNSO, Registrars Constituency
Michael Palage - GNSO, Registry Constituency
Mark Partridge - GNSO, Intellectual Property Constituency
Mike Roberts - GNSO, Business Constituency (Small)
José Ovidio Salgueiro - ALAC, Latin American and Caribbean
Francisco da Silva - Technical Liaison Group
Henk Uijterwaal - Internet Engineering Task Force
Wilfried Woeber - Address Supporting Organization
Hong Xue - ALAC, Asia/Australia/Pacific Representative

The NomCom website can be found at http://nomcom.icann.org/. The invitation for statements of interests in ICANN leadership positions was posted on 13 November 2009 at http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-13nov09-en.htm.