Public Comment

Public Comment is a vital part of our multistakeholder model. It provides a mechanism for stakeholders to have their opinions and recommendations formally and publicly documented. It is an opportunity for the ICANN community to effect change and improve policies and operations.


  • English

Name: James Kunle Olorundare
Date:28 Mar 2024
Affiliation: UASG; NPOC; NCSG
Original Public Comment: String Similarity Review Guidelines
Other Comments

From the ICANN Public Forum that I attended the meeting on the above subject matter and read the attached document which gave more clarification via-a-vis the meeting attended during ICANN 79 as a fellow. I would like to give the following comments:

That , this is satisfactory because :

Provides Context: It explains the String Similarity Review within the context of the New gTLD program, making it clear why this process is important.

Outlines Goals: It clarifies the review's objective: preventing user confusion and maintaining trust in the DNS.

Details Criteria: It describes the factors considered when evaluating string similarity, giving a clear understanding of how applications are assessed.

Highlights Policy Development: It references relevant reports that inform the review process, demonstrating a well-defined approach.

Encourages Participation: It emphasizes the public comment period, inviting valuable feedback for refining the guidelines.

Offers Transparency: By detailing the next steps, it shows ICANN's commitment to a transparent and inclusive policy formation process.

Summary of Attachment

In conclusion, it will serve its purpose by informing interested parties about the String Similarity Review, its goals, and how it contributes to a robust and user-friendly Domain Name System.

Thank you.

Summary of Submission

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