Public Comment

Public Comment is a vital part of our multistakeholder model. It provides a mechanism for stakeholders to have their opinions and recommendations formally and publicly documented. It is an opportunity for the ICANN community to effect change and improve policies and operations.


  • English

Name: Timileyin Adisa
Date:19 Feb 2024
Other Comments

It is important that ICANN upholds the principles of freedom of expression. This fundamental human right is essential for fostering open communication and facilitating the free flow of information online.

1. Is the proposed Next Round Applicant Guidebook language for Predictability Framework consistent with the relevant SubPro Final Report recommendations for Topic 2: Predictability Framework?
2. Is the proposed Next Round Applicant Guidebook language for Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Guidelines consistent with the SubPro Final Report recommendations for Topic 8: Conflicts of Interest?

If no, please explain.

It does not solicit feedback. This can be done by vendors encouraging customers to provide feedback on their experiences with services. Vendors should actively listen to their concerns and take appropriate action to address any instances of bias or discrimination.

4. Is the proposed Next Round Applicant Guidebook language for Applicant Freedom of Expression consistent with the relevant SubPro Final Report recommendations for Topic 10: Applicant Freedom of Expression?
5. Is the proposed Next Round Applicant Guidebook language for Universal Acceptance consistent with the relevant SubPro Final Report recommendations for Topic 11: Universal Acceptance?
6. Is the proposed Next Round Applicant Guidebook language for Reserved and Blocked Names consistent with the relevant SubPro Final Report recommendations for Topic 21: Reserved Names?
7. Is the proposed Next Round Applicant Guidebook language for Geographic Names consistent with relevant SubPro Final Report recommendations for Topic 21: Reserved Names and Work Track 5 Final Report to the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Policy Development Process Working Group?
Summary of Attachment

Summary of Submission

As part of ICANN's responsibilities, it is crucial that the organization ensures that its policies and practices respect the freedom of expression rights of applicants. This includes allowing individuals and organizations to apply for domain names without unjustified censorship or restrictions that unduly limit their ability to express themselves online. By affirming its commitment to respecting freedom of expression rights and giving no chance for bias in its codes and conduct, ICANN demonstrates its dedication to maintaining an open and inclusive internet environment. This approach not only supports the principles of free speech but also contributes to the diversity of voices and perspectives that enrich the online community.