Public Comment

Public Comment is a vital part of our multistakeholder model. It provides a mechanism for stakeholders to have their opinions and recommendations formally and publicly documented. It is an opportunity for the ICANN community to effect change and improve policies and operations.


  • English

Name: Glenn McKnight
Date:14 Nov 2022
Affiliation: Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities
Other Comments

I like to start my comments with congratulations on the new charter and its 'spirit' at making NPOC more transparent and accountable. I have a few suggestions

1.Application Process

For the sake of more transparency and good communication with new application it should be spelled out clearly the timelines from initial communication and final acceptance or rejection.

2. Membership

Its not clear how often the membership is updated or any communication with the membership on any replacement of representatives. It should be clear on the frequency of this task so the list is accurate

3 Activity

The membership to be deemed active states at least once a year attendance to meetings. This strikes me as very low for active membership perhaps it should be raised to indicate real involvement

A public acknowledgment of the NPOC Membership publically on their website etc shows good faith and pride in membership

4. Policy Committee activity

A need for the these members to actual share their understanding of new ICANN policies and how these policies impact the NPOC Membership the lack of clear communication on these policies is needed

5. Removal Clause

This may need some legal wording to assure no one is treated unfairly. A more clear process for removal will assure this


Summary of Submission

The above statement is a result of reviewing the current charter changes.