Public Comment

Public Comment is a vital part of our multistakeholder model. It provides a mechanism for stakeholders to have their opinions and recommendations formally and publicly documented. It is an opportunity for the ICANN community to effect change and improve policies and operations.


  • English

Name: Zoe Bonython
Date:17 Nov 2022
Affiliation: RrSG
1. Do you have any comments on the Draft IANA FY24 Operating Plan & Budget or the Draft PTI FY24 Operating Plan & Budget with regards to document structure, length, or level of detail?

The Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG) is very pleased to again see an increase in the amount of information and explanations provided and commend ICANN on this improvement. The ‘key comparisons to previous year’s budget’ on page 20 in particular was found to be a very useful addition to the report.

6. Do you have any additional observations or comments?

There do appear to be a couple of errors in the figures.  The FY24 IANA budget notes the FY24 Draft Budget total as $11.0 M, but it should be $11.1M (PTI budget of $10.5 M + IANA Support Activities of $0.6 M).  Secondly in the FY24 PTI budget is noted as $0.6 M million higher than the FY23 budget, but it should be $0.7 M (FY24 Draft Budget of $10.5 M - FY23 Budget of $9.8 M).

The RrSG does also note with some concern that the average cost per employee for the PTI FY24 draft operating plan and budget is $205k based on 17 FTE (page 19).  This is an already high salary which will be subject to further increases with inflation.

Summary of Submission

The Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG) appreciates this opportunity to comment on the Draft IANA and PTI FY24 Operating Plan and Budgets​​.  The RrSG is very pleased to again see an increase in the amount of information and explanations provided and commend ICANN on this improvement. The ‘key comparisons to previous year’s budget’ on page 20 in particular was found to be a very useful addition to the report.  

However there do appear to be a couple of errors in the figures.  The FY24 IANA budget notes the FY24 Draft Budget total as $11.0 M, but it should be $11.1M (PTI budget of $10.5 M + IANA Support Activities of $0.6 M).  Secondly in the FY24 PTI budget is noted as $0.6 M million higher than the FY23 budget, but it should be $0.7 M (FY24 Draft Budget of $10.5 M - FY23 Budget of $9.8 M)

The RrSG does also note with some concern that the average cost per employee for the PTI FY24 draft operating plan and budget is $205k based on 17 FTE (page 19).  This is an already high salary which will be subject to further increases with inflation.