Public Comment

Public Comment is a vital part of our multistakeholder model. It provides a mechanism for stakeholders to have their opinions and recommendations formally and publicly documented. It is an opportunity for the ICANN community to effect change and improve policies and operations.


  • English

Name: Andreas Musielak
Date: 4 Feb 2022
Other Comments

The SOPC thanks the ICANN Board and org for the opportunity to provide comments on the proposed draft FY 23-27 Operating and Financial Plan and FY23 Operating Plan and budget

On behalf of SOPC,

Andreas Musielak, chair

Summary of Submission

The ccNSO Strategic and Operational Planning Committee (SOPC) welcomes the opportunity to comment on ICANN's FY22-26 Operating and Financial Plan. 

The SOP working group was created at the Cairo ICANN meeting in November 2008. The working group became a Committee in November 2017. The goal of the Committee is to coordinate, facilitate, and increase the participation of ccTLD managers in ICANN's strategic and operational, planning and budgetary processes. Membership of the Committee is open to representatives from all ccTLD managers (members and non-members of the ccNSO).

According to the SOPC Charter, the Committee may as part of its activities on its own behalf take a position and/or provide input on the public comments forum, and subsequently relate back to ICANN or other Supporting Organizations and advisory WGs. Therefore the views expressed in this submission are of the SOPC only. They are not necessarily those of the ccNSO (Council and/or its membership) nor from the ccTLD community at large nor individual ccTLD Managers.

To assist the reader, the SOPC included its general observations and comment in section 1 of this submission (page 2-3). Specific comments on the FY23-27 Operational Plan and Financial Plan are included in section 2 (page 3-7). Finally, section 3 (page 7 - 9) includes observations and comments with respect to FY23 Annual Operational Plan and Budget.

The full list of members and observers is included in Annex A (page 9).

If you have any questions with respect to this SOPC submission, please do not hesitate  to reach out to us. 

On behalf of the Committee, 

Andreas Musielak, chair of the SOP Committee.