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Minutes – Board Finance Committee (BFC) Meeting 20 September 2010

BFC Attendees: Rajasekhar Ramaraj – Chair; George Sadowsky, Gonzalo Navarro, and Bruce Tonkin (BFC Observer)

Other Board Attendees: Rod Beckstrom

Staff Members Present: Akram Atallah – Chief Operating Officer; Kurt Pritz – Senior Vice President, Services; Kevin Wilson – Chief Financial Officer; Juan Ojeda, Michael Salazar, Diane Schroeder, and Amy Stathos

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken and actions identified:

  1. Introductions: Received introduction to the new Chief Operating Officer, new Controller, and program director for the New gTLD program

  2. New gTLD Budget: Received overview from staff on the proposed budget for the New gTLD, including background and history, as well as a review of comments received on the New gTLD budget paper posted on 1 June 2010 and how requests for strengthening of processes are reflected in adjustments to the deployment budget.  The BFC agreed that a line item was needed to account for the development of a monitoring system for root scaling issues.  The BFC also received updates on the historical costs, application processing costs, and the risk cost calculations.  The BFC approved a recommendation to the Board that the Deployment Budget be approved and that it be pulled from the Reserve Fund not from operations.  The overall New gTLD budget framework will be discussed at the Board’s retreat in Trondheim, Norway.

    • Actions:

      • Staff to revise the New gTLD Budget in line with BFC Comments.

      • Staff to provide follow-up information to BFC on the risk calculations.

  3. March 2011 Meeting Budget: Received update from staff on the proposed budget for the March 2011 international meeting in North America, and discussed the performance to budget for the ICANN international meetings in Nairobi and Brussels.  The BFC also discussed the potential for refining a framework for creating budgets for ICANN meetings.  The BFC approved a recommendation that the Board approve the proposed budget for the March 2011 ICANN international meeting in North America.

    • Actions:

      • Staff to prepare communications with updates to the FY10 financials to accompany the release of ICANN’s audited financial statements, and provide information on performance to budget for line items such as the ICANN meetings in Nairobi and Brussels.

      • Staff to provide BFC with information regarding proposed hosts for the North America meeting.

  4. Update on Staff Activities:  The BFC received a brief update on a number of activities performed by staff since the last meeting.  This included a brief update on the conversion of ICANN’s financial system, international currency risk mitigation efforts in FY11 resulting in purchases of Euro and Australian dollars, FY11 performance relative to the adopted budget, and plans for the FY12 budget development process.

    • Action:

      • Staff to provide follow-up reporting to the BFC and the Audit Committee regarding plans for the financial system conversion.

      • Staff to provide a more comprehensive report regarding spending per currency.

  5.  FY12 Budget Development: Received an update from staff on the development of the FY12 budget, with the planning process being kicked off months earlier than in previous cycles, starting with a call with ICANN’s Sponsoring Organization and Advisory Committee leaders regarding the acceleration of the process and the community involvement at earlier stages.

    • Action:

      • Staff to provide the BFC with a  project map on the FY12 budget process including how plans to develop the operating plan earlier and with more involvement of community leaders.

  6. BFC Workplan: The BFC discussed the planned committee activities for the remainder of the year, including investment policy review, FY10 management, discussion, and analysis, FY11 Budget status, International currency risk management, FY12 budget development, and financial strategy discussions.