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ICANN Board Resolutions Wiki Launched

2010 年 12 月 13 日
作者: Denise Michel


  • English

Wondering how many resolutions ICANN’s Board of Directors approved on new gTLDs before this year? Researching historic ICANN Board actions on IPv6? Looking for the status of IDN ccTLD fast-track resolution implementation? Have we got a new tool for you!

As part of the organization’s ongoing efforts to increase accountability and transparency, ICANN has launched a searchable wiki to provide easy-to-access information on every substantive resolution approved by the Board. The Board has approved more than 800 resolutions since ICANN was created in 1998. Each resolution from 1998 – 2009 now has a public wiki page that provides basic information, including when it was approved, what it’s about and, most importantly, the status and details of the resulting implementation actions. Additional information and links to related resolutions also are provided, enabling the public to research Board resolutions, track implementation of every Board action, and quickly find more information on topics of interest.

A comment box on the wiki pages allows individuals to share information about each resolution and its implementation. ICANN hopes to harness the power of the ICANN community to add to the basic information provided. We also would appreciate your help in suggesting labels for resolutions that will improve the effectiveness of the search tool.

In the next few weeks, all 2010 Board resolutions will be added to this wiki, and starting next year all subsequent Board resolutions will be entered shortly after they are approved by the Board. This will provide the public with the ability to track implementation of Board resolutions as actions unfold.

All interested individuals are encouraged to use and help us improve this new public resource.


Denise Michel

前任 SSR2 Review Team Co-Chair