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How is the Internet Affecting the Development of Commerce in Africa?

2013 年 07 月 9 日


The Internet has become an engine for economic growth and is rapidly changing the way businesses and entrepreneurs engage with consumers. This is particularly true in Africa. As the Internet spreads across the continent, it is opening new worlds of opportunity. This growth is creating new markets and revolutionizing old ones.

I invite you to join me during ICANN’s upcoming meeting in Durban, South Africa, to explore how these new technologies are changing the business landscape in Africa. In a series titled “Africa Untethered: The Era of Digital Africa,” I will host two panels of knowledgeable business and technology experts from across the continent to discuss the expansion of the Internet in Africa.

The first panel, “The Rise of the African Internet Entrepreneur”, will explore how the Internet is enabling growth in Africa’s digital economy. The second, “New Behaviors: Africa’s lessons for the world”, examines the effects Internet enabled devices are having on cultures, societies, and economies.

I also encourage you to attend a panel titled “What the Journalists Think,” which will explore the viewpoints of prominent African IT journalists and their perception of ICANN policies, ranging from new gTLDs to Internet governance.

I urge you to attend and I look forward to your participation.

For more information on Africa Untethered: The Era of Digital Africa, please visit: http://durban47.icann.org/node/39769

For more information on What the Journalists Think, please visit: http://durban47.icann.org/node/39781


Sagbo Pierre Dandjinou

Sagbo Pierre Dandjinou

VP, Stakeholder Engagement - Africa