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ICANN Webinar to Highlight RDRS, a Tool to Access Non-Public Domain Name Registration Data

2024 年 07 月 25 日


  • English

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is pleased to announce an upcoming virtual event on the Registration Data Request Service (RDRS), scheduled for Thursday, 8 August 2024, at 16:00 UTC (9:00 a.m. PST; 12:00 p.m. EDT).

The RDRS provides a more consistent and standardized format for handling requests to access nonpublic registration data related to generic top-level domains (gTLDs). We invite all stakeholders to register for this informative session, which will educate potential requesters with an aim of increasing overall participation.

About the Session

This webinar will explain the purpose and benefits of RDRS to registrants and those with a need to access non-public gTLD registration data. In addition to providing an overview and sharing resources, the webinar will provide an overview of the service and more. The webinar will be followed by a Q&A session, allowing prospective and current users to engage directly with the speakers.

Webinar Information:

RDRS: New Tool for Accessing Non-Public Domain Name Registration Data Webinar
Aug 8, 2024, 16:00 UTC
Register for the session here.

Benefits of the Service

The RDRS is a free, global ticketing system that handles nonpublic gTLD registration data requests, standardizing the process for both registrars and requestors. This service simplifies the process for various users, including consumer protection advocates, cybersecurity investigators, government officials, intellectual property professionals, and law enforcement authorities, who have a legitimate interest in accessing nonpublic gTLD registration data.

Registrars benefit from the service because it offers a centralized mechanism to manage and track all nonpublic data requests. Registrars receive automated alerts whenever a request is submitted. A standardized request form ensures that the correct information and supporting documents are provided, simplifying the evaluation process for registrars.

Requesters can access the RDRS here. Registrars can use the service through the Naming Services portal.

More Information

Implemented at the direction of the ICANN Board, the RDRS was set up to collect demand and usage data that would inform policy decisions related to a System for Standardized Access/Disclosure For more information, including user guides, Frequently Asked Questions, instructional videos, and more, visit the RDRS webpage.


ICANN 的使命在于确保全球互联网的稳定、安全与统一。在互联网上寻找另一个人的信息,您必须在您的电脑或其他设备中键入一个地址——可以是一个名称或是一串数字。这一地址必须是独一无二的,只有这样电脑之间才能互相识别。ICANN 则负责协调这些分布在全球各地的唯一标识符。ICANN 成立于 1998 年,是一家非营利公益型企业,其成员遍布全球各地。