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ICANN and OAS to Work Together to Increase Regional Cyber-Security

2015 年 10 月 30 日

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The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS) through their Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism of the Secretariat for Multidimensional Security (CICTE/OAS), have agreed to work cooperatively on bolstering regional cyber-security in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Both organizations expressed mutual recognition for the significant work each do within their respective remits towards enhancing the security of the Internet, including the implementation of the OAS "Adoption of Comprehensive Inter-American Strategy to Combat Threats to Cyber-Security: A multi-dimensional approach to creating a culture of cyber security," and the work done by ICANN aimed at enhancing the operational stability, reliability, resiliency, security and global interoperability of the Domain Name System (DNS). Further, the two organizations underscored the recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to join efforts in several areas of common interest related to cyber security issues.

Fadi Chehadé, ICANN President and CEO, highlighted the significance of this MoU signed with OAS, which seeks to increase cooperation and collaboration between both organizations in cyber security issues: "The secure and stable coordination of the Internet's system of unique identifiers is part of ICANN's core mission and we certainly understand the need to continue to strengthen cooperation among all cyber security stakeholders," said Chehadé. "I see this MoU as a significant step in strengthening that coordination."

When referring to the MoU, both ICANN and OAS expressed their belief that cooperation and collaboration between the organizations would further common objectives related to cyber-security issues, promote regional collaboration, strengthen active participation in ICANN's policy-making processes and enhance support for the multistakeholder model of Internet governance.