Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) Registry Agreements

gTLD Registry Agreements establish the rights, duties, liabilities, and obligations ICANN requires of registry operators to run gTLDs.

TLD Sponsorship Agreement: Attachment 8 (.coop)

ICANN | TLD Sponsorship Agreement: Attachment 8 (.coop)

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TLD Sponsorship Agreement: Attachment 8 (.coop)

21 November 2001

Start-Up Plan

Phase Action Functionality Date
Phase 1: System Testing
  • Registry system tested w/ pilot cooperatives (TLDs not issued, just reserved until system launch)
  • Billing system tested
  • Basic operations center services tested
  • Basic policies drafted
  • Registry system operational
  • Registrar services functional
  • Whois and DNS initiated
  • Customer database launched
  • Credit card processing arranged for
  • Ops Center support
  • Reserve name list drafted
  • Draft FAQs
June 25 - July 9, 2001
Phase 2: Founder Program
Developed to obtain cooperative support of .coop TLD.
  • Expect 7-10 participating Founders worldwide
  • Founder's members pre-qualified as eligible for registration - expect 15,000 applications queued
  • Operations Center support Founders' promotion to members
  • Basic image and marketing materials developed.
  • Founder's websites available for applications
  • Basic registry database operational
  • Whois, DNS and customer database further developed
  • Ops Center further developed
  • Basic draft dispute policy tested
  • FAQs developed and tested
  • Information available in Founders' native language
  • Begin resolution on test basis
July 9 - Full launch (est. January 2002)
Phase 3: Innovators Program
Designed to allow smaller cooperative associations to offer .coop services to members and to assist with verification services.
  • Expect 5-10 Innovator partners worldwide
  • Able to hold member names for 60 days post launch
  • Support and marketing based on Founders' program experience
  • Innovator websites available for applications
  • Dispute policy tested
  • Additional languages served
  • Whois service available
  • DNS service available
  • FAQs further developed
  • Begin resolution on test basis
30 days pre-launch to 60 days post-launch
Phase 4: Full Launch & DotCoop Partners Program
DotCoop Partners will assist with verification, language support, marketing and drive registrations to system.
  • Open worldwide launch
  • DC Partners used to support verification, marketing and system use
  • Verification system tested and refined
  • Verification reference system tested and implemented
  • Early warning system for Ops Center developed
  • Eligibility testing system operational
  • On-going FAQ development
Est. January 2002
Phase 5: Registrar Implementation
  • Make registrar application materials available five months following Full Launch date· Accept registrar applications beginning six months following Full Launch date
  • Allocate registrants to qualified ICANN-Accredited Registrars nine months following Full Launch date
  Est. June 2002

Pre-Registration Phases:

Prior to the Full Launch of .coop, there will be three pre-registration phases that will support the development of the on-line registration and operations center for .coop and pre-qualify a large number of cooperatives as eligible registrants in the .coop TLD. These phases are the system testing period, the Founders Program, and the Innovators Program. These pre-registration phases ensure that the system is fully capable of supporting the registration demand for the .coop TLD and also help to ensure promotion and use of the .coop TLD within the global cooperative community. They will support the readiness and stability of the .coop registration system. Applicants will provide payment for pre-launch qualifications. At the time of Full Launch, all pre-launch name entries, not held for dispute or as Innovator reserve names, will become activated in the .coop system. All name reservations will be for a minimum of 2 years, starting at the date the name becomes activated. Tentative registration fee is $160 for two years or $80/year.

Phase 1: System Testing

The initial phase of the .coop launch will be a systems test to ensure that all needed systems are operational and ready to receive large numbers of pre-qualified .coop TLD sign-ups and later, actual on-line registrations during the Full Launch period. A representative group of cooperatives from the ICA and NCBA membership will be chosen to test the on-line application system and to provide feedback to the Registry Operator. This live test will enable the Registry Operator to measure reaction from sample users to the on-line name reservation system as well as to test the supporting systems, such as: Whois database, registrar system, and the billing/credit card processing system.

In addition, the systems testing phase will also provide a preliminary test of the .coop Operations Center. Draft registration and verification policies will be in place prior to the test, a draft reserve name list (names that cannot be used by an applicant) will be completed, and FAQs for applicants will also be completed and available to on-line applicants (including clear disclosures that systems testing phase applicants are not guaranteed registration of any .coop name). Furthermore, the application helpline will be operational. Operations Center staff will be able to monitor issues that applicants have in attempting to pre-qualify their .coop name and to measure their own performance in meeting the needs of applicants.

Experience from this system-testing phase will be used for subsequent software, policy, FAQs, and Operations Center systems updates. The overall purpose of this testing period is to ensure the system is ready to handle pre-qualification sign-up of .coop names during the Founders Program phase.

Phase 2: Founders' Program

Definition: The Founders' Program will provide capital and verification support for the .coop TLD, helping to ensure the early adoption of the program by the cooperative community and the long-term success of the .coop program.

The Founders' Program has been established by the National Cooperative Business Association (NCBA) and DCLLC to energize the launch of the endeavor. Founders represent larger membership organizations of cooperatives operating at a high profile within a particular geographic region or within a specific cooperative sector. Because of its early commitment and seminal role in establishing the .coop TLD, NCBA is a Founder. Because of its early organizational efforts to gain worldwide support for the .coop TLD application, the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) is also a Founder.

Application Support: Founders will each commit to providing at least 500 .coop TLD applications from among their respective memberships. This will ensure a rapid start-up and viability of the .coop organization from launch. Founders are also providing seed capital for .coop during this development phase.

Each Founder will be provided with a Founders Page interface to the .coop application server. This interface page will allow branding by the Founder that is the access point to the domain name application process. The Founder's page interface can be linked to the Founder's existing website. Each Founder will also be provided with .coop and Founder branded marketing material that it can use to promote the .coop TLD within its membership.

Working with the Founder, .coop will create a list of names, verify that each applicant is an eligible cooperative organization, qualify the application and place the name into the queue for automatic handling on the launch date. The Founder will provide the list of member organizations in electronic format that are certified cooperative organizations. Each Founder and Founder member will be given a unique password permitting name reservations through the Founders page. Founder's members' reserved names that are not paid for by the time of Full Launch (beginning of Phase 4) will be released at that time. Receipt of a password does not create any special rights with respect to registering a particular domain name. Any applicant must agree to an on-line registration agreement.

A domain name queuing request will be considered successful if: 1) the domain name has not been applied for previously and 2) the applicant pays for the request by the time of Full Launch. As noted above, applicants will provide payment for pre-launch qualifications. During this Phase, DNS resolution of names requested by Founders and Founder members will commence on a test basis.

Name Disputes: During the Founders' program pre-launch period, it may be the case that members of a Founder's own segment may want to claim the same name. Further, it may be that members of Founders want to claim the same name as a member of another Founder. .Coop Operations Center procedures to be followed during the pre-launch period differ from the general name selection and dispute policies we anticipate will go into effect the time of Full Launch because of the special nature of the pre-launch Founder's Program. The name selection priority during this period is as follows:

1. As a general rule, all names selected will be awarded on a first come, first served basis.

2. In the event of a conflict, the conflicting names will be set aside and the .Coop Operations Center will notify the applicants of the conflict and will inform them that options may exist whereby they may both (or all) receive satisfactory names. It is .Coop Operation Center's hope that resolution will be attempted in good faith by all cooperative parties. If resolution of name disputes cannot be handled amicably, the .Coop Operations Center will refer the dispute to an informal arbitration process established by Founders.

3. Subject to supervening priority determined by the informal arbitration process, order of time is the first criteria by which a conflict may be resolved in the case of a conflict between members of a single Founder or members of different Founders.

4. Founders should encourage their members to claim names during pre-launch as soon as possible to assure that they get the name(s) they want within the sector.

5. The name selection priority ends at 23:59:59 GMT, the day prior to .coop Full Launch (beginning of Phase 4).

ENS Services Role and Responsibilities: To assure the integrity of the system and of the .coop TLD in the broad marketplace, the .Coop Operations Center's most critical role will be to assure that those organizations which are allowed to reserve .coop Domain Names are qualified cooperatives (ENS Services). Within the Founders Program, the .Coop Operations Center will provide Founders with an application URL, a user name and a password for those organizations defined as eligible by the Founder. Because Founders control the distribution of the application web site information and will distribute only to members of their sectors, the opportunity for misuse by a non-cooperative entity is limited.

To help identify those organizations eligible to register legitimately for a .coop Domain Name, all Founders must apply the .Coop Verification Policy in compiling their member lists.

Operations Center Development: During implementation of the Founders Program, the .coop Operations Center will further refine its customer service, application support, marketing, and public relations functions. The type of information and support requests will be tracked and used to further refine the on-line application and Operations Center operating procedures. The Operations Center goal is to have 75-80 percent of customer inquiries handled initially by automated means. The Founders Program experience will allow the Operations Center staff to better anticipate the common needs of applicants after Full Launch. All Founders will have promotional, instructional and policy materials in their native language.

Timeline: Members of the Founders will have access to pre-launch application system on July 7, 2001. Pre-launch qualification will last until 23:59:59 GMT on the day before the system's Full Launch.

Phase 3: Innovators Program

Definition: Like the Founders' Program, the Innovators' Program will provide capital and verification support for the .coop TLD, helping to ensure the early adoption of the program by the cooperative community and the long-term success of the .coop program. It will allow large sectoral or apex organizations to participate as a .coop supporter at a lower level of commitment and long-term involvement. Innovators will provide long-term verification support for the .coop program and have permanent status as an Innovator.

Application Support: Innovators will have special access to the name application system for thirty days prior to the fully-open access to all cooperatives (i.e. thirty days prior to Full Launch). They will be entitled to pre-qualify a block of names consisting of the primary names of each of their members, together with one secondary name or acronym for each member. The selected names will be formally applied and paid for by the cooperative for which it is pre-qualified. DCLLC will set aside the selected names for a period of time up to three months starting from the date of payment of the contribution sum by the Innovator and extending no later than sixty days after Full Launch. At the end of the ninety-day period, all previously selected names will be released for general availability.

Each Innovator will be provided with an Innovators Page interface to the .coop application server. This interface page will allow branding by the Innovator that is the access point to the domain name reservation process. The Innovator's page interface can be linked to the Innovator's existing website. Each Innovator will also be provided with .coop branded marketing material that it can use to promote application for domain names within its membership.

Working with the Innovator, .coop will create a list of names, verify that each applicant is a cooperative organization, qualify the application and place the name into the queue for automatic handling on the launch date. The Innovator will provide the list of member organizations in electronic format that are certified cooperative organizations. Each Innovator and Innovator member will be given a unique password permitting applications through the Innovators' page. Innovator members' reserved names that are not paid for within sixty days of Full Launch (beginning of Phase 4) will be released. During this Phase, DNS resolution of names requested by Innovators and Innovator members will commence on a test basis.

Name Disputes: The post-launch selection and dispute policies of .coop apply to the Innovator Program. Implementation of the Innovators Program will enable .coop to test this system and predict the level and magnitude of name dispute incidents.

ENS Services Role and Responsibilities: To assure the integrity of the system and of the .coop TLD in the broad marketplace, the .Coop Operations Center's most critical role will be to assure that those organizations that are allowed to purchase a .coop Domain Name are qualified cooperatives. Within the Innovators program, .coop Operations Center will provide Innovators with a policy manual and guidelines for how to support the ENS process by being a Sponsoring organization. During the Innovator Program, .coop Operations Center will begin developing and testing the spot-checking system that will be used to ensure that applicants are actually cooperatives, thus supporting the integrity of the .coop TLD for applicants.

Operations Center Development: During implementation of the Innovators' Program, the .coop Operations Center will further refine its customer service, application support, marketing, and public relations functions. The type of information and support requests will be tracked and used to further refine the on-line application and Operations Center operating procedures. The Operations Center goal is to have 75-80 percent of customer inquiries handled initially by automated means. The Innovators Program experience will allow the Operations Center staff to better anticipate the common needs of applicants. It is anticipated that 2-4 additional staff people will be added to the Operations Center during this time so as to meet information and support needs during the Founders and Innovators program, but also to ensure that adequately trained personnel are in place at the time of Full Launch.

Timeline: Members of the Innovators will have access to the pre-launch application system thirty days prior to the Full Launch. Innovator members can apply for their reserved names for up to sixty days after Full Launch.

Phase 4: Full Worldwide Launch & DotCoop Partners Program Activation

Definition: Phase 4 begins with the full worldwide launch ("Full Launch"). At this time, DNS resolution of names registered to all qualified registrants will commence, and all eligible cooperatives worldwide will be able to register or apply for registration on-line. On an on-going basis, .coop will enlist verification partners around the world that will assist with verification of eligibility for cooperatives in difficult to reach sectors or regions. These verification partners are called Verification Partners (VP Partners). VP Partners will consist of apex or large sectoral cooperative organizations and individuals with cooperative connections.

Registration Support: VP Partners will help to inform eligible cooperative organizations of the opportunity to apply for .coop domain names. VP Partners may drive many registrations to .coop over time. VP Partners are expected to help bring down application barriers for registrants in remote areas or sectors. This may include language support or providing access to on-line computers. The domain registration system will be launched and refined.

Name Disputes: The post-launch selection and dispute policies of .coop will apply.

Continuation of ENS Services: Sponsor will continue providing ENS Services in Phase 4. These services will involve verifying the eligibility of cooperatives and associations of cooperatives to register Registered Names within .coop. VP Partners will assist with this verification. If eligibility of registrants cannot be proven by association with an Innovator or VP Partner, or by reference of two participating cooperatives, a more involved, thorough review of legal documents and operating procedures will be undertaken. In addition, the spot checking system for reviewing eligibility of registrants will become fully active in Phase 4.

Operations Center Development: The .coop Operations Center will continuously refine its customer service, registration support, marketing, and public relations functions. In light of demand for these services, additional staff will be brought on to meet .coop's customer service commitments. The type of information and support requests will be tracked and used to further refine the on-line registration and Operations Center operating procedures. The Operations Center goal is to have 75-80 percent of customer inquiries handled initially by automated means. It is anticipated that new operational, management and technological systems will be added to continuously improve the Operations Center services.

Phase 5: Registrar Implementation

Opening to Additional Registrars: During the first six months following Full Launch, the Registry Operator, acting on behalf of the Sponsor, will cause registration agreements between Sponsor and registrants to be executed. Beginning at the conclusion of this six-month period, other organizations will be able to apply to become registrars. Sponsor will distribute an application for interested registrars and a proposed agreement between Sponsor and registrars no later than five months following the Full Launch of the .coop TLD (beginning of Phase 4), and will accept such applications beginning no later than six months following Full Launch. An organization applying to be a registrar in the .coop TLD will need to be accredited by ICANN. The organization must also meet Sponsor's criteria for registrars, as detailed in Attachment 9. Sponsor will use reasonable commercial efforts to seek and approve all qualified applications from ICANN-Accredited Registrars following this six-month period, with the aspirational goal of maintaining at least five ICANN-Accredited Registrars as registrars for the .coop TLD at all times more than nine months after Full Launch. The number of registrars selected will not be limited. Once an organization applying to be a registrar has been accredited by ICANN and approved by Sponsor, and has entered the Registrar Accreditation Agreement and Sponsor's Registrar License and Agreement, it can begin operations. No later than nine months following Full Launch, Sponsor will allocate to the selected registrars (on the basis of registrant choice and/or on a randomized basis) registrants that obtained .coop domain names other than through an accredited and approved registrar.

Prior draft:

6 November 2001

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