Public Comment

Public Comment is a vital part of our multistakeholder model. It provides a mechanism for stakeholders to have their opinions and recommendations formally and publicly documented. It is an opportunity for the ICANN community to effect change and improve policies and operations.

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Name: Andreas Musielak
Date:4 Jul 2023
Affiliation: SOPC
Original Public Comment: PTI / IANA Governance Proposal
Other Comments

Summary of Submission

The ccNSO Strategic and Operational Planning Committee (SOPC) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the PTI / IANA Governance Proposal.

The goal of the Committee is to coordinate, facilitate, and encourage the involvement of ccTLD managers in ICANN's strategic and operational, planning and budgetary processes. As a part of its mandate SOPC reviews and comments on ICANN’s and PTI/IANA’s Strategic and Operating Plans and Budgets. 

SOPC is supportive of the proposed changes.

At the same time SOPC notes that as a result of the proposed amendments both Draft ICANN’s and Draft PTI/IANA’s Yearly Plans and Budgets and 5-Year Plans should be submitted for Public Comments concurrently. This will effectively mean that the community will have to do more work within a limited period of time with the Christmas/New Year holidays in the middle. 


It is therefore imperative to retain a high quality of both the Draft Plans & Budget documents and ensure they are submitted for public comment in early December to enable the community effectively contribute to the process. Should the suggested amendments result in material changes in Plans, SOPC expects an overview of such changes to be submitted in form of a table or a summary document.

On behalf of SOPC, 

Andreas Musielak, Chair

Irina Danelia, Vice-Chair