Public Comment

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Name: Davies Lewis
Date:23 Feb 2024
Affiliation: I Love Domains - United States o' America
Other Comments

I Love Domains – United States o’ America, the operator of the extension, has come forward to provide a contribution to the construction of a fair and diverse internet with ICANN.


For any questions, please send an email to:


I advise that the delegation of strings for private use be strictly observed and treated, as by providing words, geographic names and generic terms to organizations, it is contributing to monopoly and giving undue right to exclusive use over something that should be available to use of all.


Include strings in contracts for private use, so that if the string corresponds to a generic or geographic word, the contract may be terminated, even if it has already been delegated and the records will be open to everyone.


I cite as examples .amazon, .hot, .book, .meet, .globo, .latin, .abc, .marshalls, .terra, .vivo, .viva and etc...

Summary of Submission

I Love Domains – United States o’ America, the operator of the extension, has come forward to provide a contribution to the construction of a fair and diverse internet with ICANN.


For any questions, please send an email to:


I advise that the delegation of strings for private use be strictly observed and treated, as by providing words, geographic names and generic terms to organizations, it is contributing to monopoly and giving undue right to exclusive use over something that should be available to use of all.


Include strings in contracts for private use, so that if the string corresponds to a generic or geographic word, the contract may be terminated, even if it has already been delegated and the records will be open to everyone.


I cite as examples .amazon, .hot, .book, .meet, .globo, .latin, .abc, .marshalls, .terra, .vivo, .viva and etc...