Public Comment

Public Comment is a vital part of our multistakeholder model. It provides a mechanism for stakeholders to have their opinions and recommendations formally and publicly documented. It is an opportunity for the ICANN community to effect change and improve policies and operations.

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Name: George Kirikos
Date:19 Apr 2022
Affiliation: Leap of Faith Financial Services Inc.
Other Comments

Unfortunately, the long-awaited Policy Status Report prepared by ICANN staff for the benefit of the community is replete with incorrect statements. As such, the report is not a useful contribution to the policy debate, but instead detracts from it

Read our detailed submission (14 pages in the primary attachment) which elaborates on our analysis of this deeply-flawed ICANN staff report.

Summary of Attachment

Note that we have submitted two (2) attachments.

1) LEAP-comments-UDRP-PSR-2022-FINAL-20220419.pdf is our main set of comments.

2) LEAP-comments-IGO-ePDP-2021-final-20211023.pdf as noted on page 1 of our main comments, this supplementary PDF is our October 23, 2021 54-page submission to the GNSO, for completeness (a few sections reference the UDRP and the Notice of Objection system proposal previously submitted to the IGO ePDP, expanding on material previously submitted to the RPM PDP working group). It was referenced directly in our main comment.

Summary of Submission

We reject the report in its entirety. It is irrevocably flawed and should be withdrawn. ICANN staff have squandered the time and resources that were allocated for this project. It should be redone in its entirety with all the missing elements mentioned in our submission taken into account, perhaps divided amongst multiple independent research groups outside of ICANN. ICANN staff simply don't have the research skills to do the job, given what we've seen to date.