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Secretary's Notice | 17 April 2002

Resignation of Phil Davidson

On 2 April 2002, I received the following notice from Director Phil Davidson:

Subject: Retirement and Resignation from the Board

Dear Colleagues

On 31 March I retired from BT in order to spend more time at home and cut down on the heavy travelling schedule I had to perform. Looking at my commitments for travel I need to further rationalise my work and it is with regret that I have to inform you that I will resign from the ICANN Board with immediate effect.

The last few years have been tremendously enjoyable and challenging for me working with such a new and diverse set of characters that make up the Board and Staff of ICANN.

I should like to thank you all for the help, kindness and friendship you have given to me and I wish you all the best of fortune in the challenges ahead, in the restructuring of ICANN into the strong and leading organisation that the internet needs in this important area of responsibility.

Best Wishes


Under Article V, Section 10 of ICANN's bylaws, Mr. Davidson's resignation from the ICANN Board became effective upon my receiving the notice.

Louis Touton