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Structural Improvements Committee Meeting Minutes 21 January 2010

SIC Attendees: Raymond A. Plzak – Chair, Raimundo Beca, George Sadowsky, Mike Silber, and Jonne Soininen

Apologies: Jean-Jacques Subrenat

Staff Attendees: Denise Michel - Vice President, Policy Development; Samantha Eisner, Dan Halloran, Rob Hoggarth, Marco Lorenzoni and Diane Schroeder

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken and actions identified:

  1. The meeting was called to order at 13:04 UTC.
  2. Reviewed the minutes from the prior SIC meeting, and all voting members in attendance unanimously approved the minutes.
  3. Reviewed the status of the proposed charter for the creation of a Consumer Constituency within the Non Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG) of the GNSO. The SIC reviewed the history of revisions to the charter to date and previous discussions on next steps, as well as reviewed the process for Board review of charter petitions. All voting members in attendance unanimously agreed that the current version of the proposed Consumer Constituency charter (revised 15 September 2009) be posted for public comment.
    • Actions:
      • Staff to post revised proposed charter for public comment.
      • After close of public comment period, staff to provide the SIC with summary and analysis of comments for further SIC consideration.
      • SIC members to develop draft outline of Board process for future consideration of petitions for new GNSO constituencies.
  4. Received update from staff on the status of work towards the NCSG final charter.
    • Actions:
      • Staff to provide future updates to the SIC on progress on charter.
      • Chair to draft response to NCSG Chair communication to the SIC and circulate to the SIC for review prior to submitting response.
      • Staff to provide future updates to the SIC when GNSO Improvements implementation issues arise that merit SIC or Board action.
  5. Received update from staff on the status of the implementation of the recommendations issued by the ALAC Review Working Group. The SIC also discussed initial steps required to revise the ICANN Bylaws to reflect the selection of a voting Board director from the At Large community.
    • Actions:
      • Staff to provide the SIC with the final report of the Board Review Working Group when available, expected within sufficient time for action at the March meeting of the Board.
      • Shortly after the release of this report, staff to provide the SIC with the identification of “all steps required to achieve the implementation” of the selection of an At-Large voting Board director, as requested by the Board in August 2009;
      • Chair to draft response to ALAC chair regarding the proposed mechanisms for selection of a voting director from the At Large community. Draft will be circulated to SIC members for review.
  6. Received update from staff on expectation to receive final reports from the Board review Working Group, the Nominating Committee review Working Group and the SSAC review Working Group prior to the ICANN International Meeting in March. Confirmed that best common practice for final reports from working groups is posting of the final report pending approval from the Board, without further public comment.
    • Actions:
      • Staff to transmit to the SIC the three mentioned reports, when available;
      • Staff to publish these reports pending their approval from the Board, without further public comments;
      • Staff to work to analyze and make recommendations on each completed final report in sufficient time for action at the March meeting of the Board.
  7. Discussed the timing of the reviews of the Technical Liaison Group (TLG) and the Address Supporting Organization (ASO) and the need to prioritize resources to move forward on the TLG review first.
    • Actions:
      • Defer the start of the ASO review;
      • Staff to provide the SIC with a recommendation on the structure and staffing of the TLG review.
  8. Received update from staff on scheduling future SIC meetings.
    • Action:
      • Staff to coordinate with Chair on scheduling future SIC meetings and coordinate with the SIC work plan.
  9. The meeting was adjourned at 14:15 UTC.