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Structural Improvements Committee (SIC) Meeting - Minutes 10 September 2014

SIC Attendees: Sébastien Bachollet, Bill Graham (Acting Chair), and Kuo-Wei Wu

Apologies: Wolfgang Kleinwächter and Ray Plzak – Chair

Other Board Member Attendees: Erika Mann, Olga Madruga-Forti, Chris Disspain, Bruno Lanvin and Gonzalo Navarro

Invited Attendees: Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Marcus Kummer, and Asha Hemrajani

Executive and Staff Attendees: John Jeffrey, Samantha Eisner, Rob Hoggarth, Larisa Gurnick, Megan Bishop, David Olive, Matt Ashtiani, and Denise Michel

The following is a summary of discussions, decisions, and actions identified:

The Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. local time in Istanbul, Turkey.

  1. Agenda – The Acting Chair established the agenda for the meeting and gave an overview of items to be discussed.

  2. Approval of Minutes – The SIC approved the minutes of its 20 June 2014 meeting as presented.

  3. Review of Open Action Items – The SIC reviewed the open actions from previous meetings. The SIC will receive an update during ICANN 51 in Los Angeles on the development of an integrated approach to reviews. All other open action items were on the agenda.

  4. GNSO Review Implementation – Staff provided the SIC with an update on the progress of the GNSO Review. Westlake Governance, the Independent Examiner, launched the online 360 Assessment survey on 6 August 2014. The GNSO Review Working Party (created by the GNSO to serve as a liaison between Westlake Governance, the SIC and the GNSO community) has been providing ongoing input into the 360 Assessment structure and questions. Community outreach and engagement activities relating to the 360 Assessment have included webinars, social media updates, blogs, and interaction with different supporting organizations and advisory committees. To allow for sufficient time for participation in the 360 Assessment, the deadline to submit responses has been extended to 23 September 2014. Once all of the responses have been received, Westlake Governance will provide a summary and analysis.

  5. Registrars Stakeholder Group (RSG) Charter Amendments – The SIC received a report from Staff on the status of the process for reviewing proposed amendments to the RSG Charter.  The revised Charter was posted for public comment from 30 May 2014 to 20 June 2014 and no comments were submitted. Staff had recommended that the SIC recommend to the full Board approval of the RSG amendments at the next Board meeting in Los Angeles. The SIC discussed the proposed charter amendments and agreed to recommend to the Board that the Board approve the proposed RSG Charter Amendment submitted by the Registrars Stakeholder Group.

  6. SIC Work Plan, Activities and Report – The Acting Chair provided the SIC with an overview of the SIC activities report, which is a summary of completed and on-going SIC activities, along with anticipated completion dates. The SIC reviewed the proposed report, approved it, and agreed to send it to the Board.

The Acting Chair called the meeting to a close at 10:20 local time (Istanbul, Turkey).

Published on 22 October 2014