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Minutes | Organizational Effectiveness Committee (OEC) Meeting 26 January 2017

OEC Attendees: Rinalia Abdul Rahim – Chair, Lito Ibarra, Khaled Koubaa, Markus Kummer and George Sadowsky

Attendees on behalf of NRO: Pablo Hinojosa, Oscar Robles and Paul Wilson

Executive and Staff Attendees: Samantha Eisner, Larisa Gurnick, Lars Hoffmann, Melissa King, Vinciane Koenigsfeld, Margie Milam, Wendy Profit, Laena Rahim, Charla Shambley and Theresa Swinehart

The following is a summary of discussions, decisions, and actions identified:

  1. ASO Review - Interaction with NRO EC - Representatives from the Number Resource Organization Executive Council (NRO EC) provided a report to the OEC on the process and criteria which were used by the NRO EC for the selection of the independent examiner to conduct the ASO Review. Paul Wilson discussed the matrix of criteria used to select the independent examiner, noting that there were no adjustments or changes made to the process or criteria that were previously published. He also noted that no particular emphasis was placed on either favoring a bidder that has carried out a previous review or selecting a new bidder. The OEC had an opportunity to discuss the selection process with the NRO EC members in furtherance of the recommendation arising out of the first ASO review that ICANN and the NRO work together on a joint selection process for independent examiners.

    Going forward, the OEC requested the NRO EC to consider, for future reviews, whether a more formal process for joint selection should be developed or documented.

    The Chair thanked the NRO EC for their work and presentation and the NRO EC representatives left the meeting after the discussion on the ASO Review.

  2. Agenda – The Chair established the agenda for the remainder of the meeting and gave an overview of items to be discussed.

  3. OEC Activities Report Q4 2016 – The OEC was provided with an overview of the fourth quarter activities report regarding completed and on-going OEC activities. The OEC reviewed the proposed report, approved it and agreed to send it to the Board.

  4. ASO Review Update – The OEC revisited the ASO Review item and the conversation with the NRO EC representatives. The OEC concluded that the NRO EC has carried out a very thorough assessment; and complied with the process and criteria published for this request for proposals in awarding the contract to ITEMS International. The OEC reiterated its intention to extend an invitation to the NRO to consider whether there is an interest to develop a joint selection process for the ASO Review in the future.

    The OEC then had a broader conversation about the process for selecting independent reviewers for these Organizational Reviews, including considerations of whether there is value in repeating reviewers as opposed to bringing in a new entity, as well as issues such as size of review teams and cost efficiency. The OEC noted that the conversation with the NRO EC was helpful to start a conversation with ICANN Org about the methodology that ICANN uses for its assessment of independent reviewers for the other Organizational Reviews.

    • Action Items:

      • For the upcoming OEC meeting, ICANN Org to include an agenda item on reviewing the method of assessment of RFPs, to assess whether or not it can be improved; and to suggest ways to improve it.
  5. GNSO Review Update – After the Board's June 2016 acceptance of the Final Report from the GNSO Review, the GNSO Review Working Group developed an implementation plan containing a realistic timeline for the implementation of the accepted recommendations from the review. The Implementation Plan includes definitions of desired outcomes and a way to measure current state as well as progress toward the desired outcomes. The GNSO Council approved the Implementation Plan on 15 December 2016.

    The OEC considered the Implementation Plan and agreed to recommend to the Board that the Board adopts the GNSO Review Implementation Plan, including a regular program of reporting on status.

    • Action Items:

      • ICANN Org to pass the recommendation to the Board for consideration.
      • Given that Recommendation 24 of the GNSO Implementation Plan includes a query to the Board on the process for evaluation of the formation of new constituencies, the OEC requested ICANN Org to begin preparing the Board for response to that question. This includes providing information on the processes used to evaluate new Constituency applications.
  6. Any Other Business

    The OEC requested ICANN Org to provide an update on the status of the proposed amendments to the charter of the gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group of the GNSO (RySG) at the upcoming OEC meeting.

    The Chair called the meeting to a close.

Published on 04 May 2017