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Board Risk Committee (RC) – Minutes 29 April 2014

RC Attendees: Steve Crocker, Bill Graham, Ram Mohan, Gonzalo Navarro, Mike Silber – Chair, Jonne Soininen, Suzanne Woolf, and Kuo-Wei Wu

Other Board Member Attendees: Bruce Tonkin

ICANN Executives and Staff Attendees: Akram Atallah (President, Global Domains Division), Susanna Bennett (Chief Operating Officer), Megan Bishop (Board Support Coordinator), John Jeffrey (General Counsel and Secretary), Patrick Jones (Global Stakeholder Engagement Senior Director), Jacks Khawaja (Enterprise Risk Director), Elizabeth Le (Senior Counsel), Ashwin Rangan (Chief Innovation & Information Officer), Amy Stathos (Deputy General Counsel), and Teresa Swinehart (Sr. Advisor to the President on Strategy)

Board Member Elect: Rinalia Abdul Rahim (observing)

The following is a summary of discussion, actions taken, and actions identified:

  • Minutes – The RC approved the minutes from the previous meeting.

  • DNS Risk Assessment Status Update – Staff provided an update on the DNS Risk Assessment. Since the last update, DNS risks have been identified and classified within a clear taxonomy and communicated in ICANN 49. There was a meeting with SSAC Chair, RSSAC Chair, and BRC members to discuss the current DNS Risk Assessment and next steps. The RC discussed the next steps including publication of the DNS Narrative, Framework and Risks so that there can be a dialogue with the community.

  • New gTLD Risk Assessment – The RC received a report from staff regarding the status of New gTLD Program risk assessment efforts. The RFP has closed and a vendor has been selected to perform the assessment. The RC discussed the timeline of the assessment.

  • TLD Universal Acceptance Update – Staff provided an update on TLD Universal Acceptance. The RC discussed the next steps which includes the publication of a road map for the TLD Universal Acceptance Initiative. The RC noted the importance of establishing a timeline of a path forward. The RC further noted that the Committee previously requested an analysis from staff as to what should be the scope for consideration by the RC on the TLD Universal Acceptance Initiative.

    • Action: Staff to prepare an analysis as to how universal acceptance risks should be addressed by the RC, and whether there are other risks or concerns that should be referred to other Board Committees.

  • Name Collision Mitigation Status – Staff presented the RC with a status update on the name collision mitigation status. The Name Collision Occurrence Management Framework was put out for public comment. The public comment period recently closed. Staff is the process of finalizing the analysis of the public comment, which will be published along with the updated proposal. Thereafter, the updated proposal will be submitted to the NGPC for consideration. The RC also noted that the committee is aware that the SSAC intends to issue a statement on this issue, which will be taken into account in the updated proposal.

  • Enterprise Risk Management Status Update – Staff provided an update on the ERM status and the progress that the ERM Team has made toward identifying key enterprise risks, risk interactions, and risk mitigation efforts. The RC discussed the scope of the key enterprise risks identified and the proposed remediation efforts.

Published on 9 July 2014