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Board Governance Committee (BGC) Meeting Minutes 25 June 2013

BGC Attendees: Cherine Chalaby, Chris Disspain, Bertrand de La Chapelle, Ray Plzak, Mike Silber, and Bruce Tonkin – Chair

Other Board Member Attendees: Steve Crocker

Staff Attendees: John Jeffrey – General Counsel and Secretary, Megan Bishop, Michelle Bright, Elizabeth Le, and Amy Stathos

The following is a summary of discussion, actions taken, and actions identified:

  1. Reconsideration Request 13-3 ("Request 13-3" or "the Request"): The Chair noted that he was abstaining from consideration of this matter due to a potential conflict of interest as it relates to the implementation of the Trademark Clearinghouse. The BGC previously addressed Request 13-3 at the 16 May 2013 meeting and issued a recommendation to the NGPC. Thereafter, the GNSO Council formally submitted a request to the BGC that it review and reconsider the wording of the recommendation. The BGC addressed the GNSO Council's request and whether it should revise the wording of its recommendation to address said concerns. The BGC considered a proposed revised recommendation in consideration of the issues raised by the GNSO Council, without altering the ultimate result of the recommendation. Following lengthy discussion, the BGC revoked its 16 May 2013 recommendation and passed a motion to recommend that the NGPC adopt a revised BGC recommendation on Reconsideration Request 13-3. Bertrand de La Chapelle voted against the motion and Bruce Tonkin abstained. Bertrand de La Chapelle noted that he will provide a statement to the New gTLD Program Committee explaining the reason for hi "no" vote on this motion.

    • Action:

      • Staff to revise the recommendation, post it on the website, and forward the new recommendation to the NGPC for consideration.