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Minutes | Board Accountability Mechanisms Committee (BAMC) Meeting 30 November 2017

Board Accountability Mechanisms Committee (BAMC) Attendees: Becky Burr, Chris Disspain (Chair), Léon Sanchez, and Mike Silber

BAMC Member Apologies: Sarah Deutsch

ICANN Organization Attendees: Akram Atallah (President, Global Domains Division), Casandra Furey (Associate General Counsel), John Jeffrey (General Counsel and Secretary), Aaron Jimenez (Board Operations Senior Coordinator), Tarek Kamel (Sr. Advisor to President & SVP, Government and IGO Engagement), Vinciane Koenigsfeld (Board Training & Content Senior Manager), Elizabeth Le (Associate General Counsel), Wendy Profit (Manager, Board Operations), Lisa Saulino (Board Operations Senior Coordinator), and Amy Stathos (Deputy General Counsel)

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken, and actions identified:

  1. Further consideration of GCC Independ Review Process (IRP) Final Declaration (.PERSIANGULF) – The Committee discussed possible next steps on the consideration and analysis of the GCC IRP Final Declaration. The Committee asked the ICANN organization to identify the IRP Panel's factual premises and conclusions for further evaluation at the BAMC's next meeting.
    • Action:
      • ICANN organization to identify the IRP Panel's factual premises and conclusions for further evaluation at the BAMC's next meeting.
  2. Update on Community Priority Evaluation (CPE) Process Review (Review) – The Committee received an update on the status of the CPE Process Review. FTI has completed reports for Scopes 1, 2, and 3 of the Review. The reports are being evaluated for confidentiality pursuant to the contract between the CPE Provider and ICANN prior to publication. It is anticipated that the reports will be published in the coming weeks. The BAMC noted that once the reports have been published, it will resume consideration of the remaining pending Reconsideration Requests as part of the Reconsideration process and factor the findings of the Review into its consideration.
    • Actions:
      • ICANN organization to publish reports once confidentiality assessment is complete.
      • Identify a roadmap for the process of considering the relevant remaining pending Reconsideration Requests.
  3. Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) Advice from Abu Dhabi re .Amazon – Becky Burr abstained from the discussion of this matter noting potential conflicts. The Committee discussed the GAC advice from Abu Dhabi re the application for .Amazon and related strings, which advised that the ICANN Board "continue facilitating negotiations the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization's (ACTO) member states and the Amazon corporation with a view to reaching a mutually acceptable solution to allow for the use of .amazon as a top level domain name." The Committee discussed the status of the ongoing facilitation efforts. The Committee also referenced the outstanding request to the GAC in the Board's resolution 2017.10.29.03 which asked that "the GAC that if it has any new or additional information (as requested above) to provide to the Board, it does so by the conclusion of the ICANN61 meeting scheduled to take place from 10-15 March 2018, in order to assist the Board's appropriate and prompt consideration."
  4. Update on Cooperative Engagement Process (CEP) requests – The BAMC received an update on the pending CEPs.
  5. Updated 2018 Work Plan – The BAMC reviewed the draft of the updated work plan for 2018, which has been revised to reflect the Committee's discussion at the 26 October 2017 meeting. The BAMC requested that the work plan be updated to reflect the BAMC's resuming its consideration of the pending Reconsideration requests regarding community priority evaluation.
    • Action:
      • ICANN organization to update the work plan to reflect the BAMC's resuming its consideration of the pending Reconsideration requests regarding community priority evaluation.
  6. AOB
    • Litigation Updates – The BAMC indicated that litigation updates should be a standing meeting agenda item.
    • Independent Review Process (IRP) – The BAMC discussed the ongoing work by the IRP Implementation Oversight Team (IOT) to develop the supplementary procedures of IRP and requested an updated briefing from the ICANN organization at the next BAMC meeting on the IRP IOT's work on the supplementary procedures.
      • Action:
        • ICANN organization to provide an updated briefing on the status of the IRP IOT's work on the supplementary procedures.

Published on 05 January 2018.