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Welcome to ICANN's First Policy Forum in Latin America and the Caribbean

23 июня 2018

В дополнение к языкам ICANN, этот материал также доступен на следующих языках


Welcome to Panama City, a city both historical and modern, situated where the Atlantic meets the Pacific. We are honored to host the global Internet community in this city for ICANN62, the first ICANN Policy Forum to be held in the region.

Over the course of four days of meetings, we will focus on current policy development work. I encourage you to take advantage of the shorter meeting and fewer number of sessions to make your voices heard and to learn more about the work of other constituencies.

The ICANN62 Policy Forum is also a great opportunity for our regional community to expand its involvement in policy development relating to the Domain Name System, and its participation in ICANN's Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees. Through these and other groups, the ICANN community develops policies using a bottom-up, transparent, and multistakeholder model. For this model to work, we need as many global stakeholders as possible to get involved in the ICANN community.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can participate, email our regional team at: lac_team_gse@icann.org. We will be happy to guide you and put you in contact with other community members involved in ICANN's policy work. I also encourage you to explore the Developing Policy at ICANN webpage, which features a policymaking infographic and a short educational video, both available in all six U.N. languages.

Bringing new voices to the ICANN community is crucial to strengthening our policy development processes. I look forward to seeing you at ICANN62 in Panama City!


Rodrigo De La Parra

Rodrigo De La Parra

VP, Stakeholder Engagement & Managing Director - Latin America & Caribbean