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Vint Cerf says: ICANN needs YOU!

7 мая 2007
Автор ICANN Blog

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  • English

Vint Cerf, Internet founder, has spoken candidly about the future of ICANN as his chairmanship draws to a close, asking for people with a “passion for the Internet” to apply. ICANN’s Nominating Committee is still accepting applications for key roles within the organisation and its site can be found at http://nomcom.icann.org.

Download the interview
We have made the interview available in four formats: Windows’ media player; MPEG4; Apple’s QuickTime and iPod video. Click on the links below to download them to your machine (right-click and save the link to be able to save the file in a specific spot on your computer)

Windows Media (72.9MB) | MPEG4 (20.4MB)
QuickTime (132.0MB) | iPod video (54.0MB)
