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Try out our new IANA site

28 июня 2007

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Beta ScreenshotOne thing that has been obvious for quite some time is the IANA web site needed some attention. Somewhat of a relic of an earlier era of the Internet, the web site had grown into a pile of information that is poorly organised and hard to navigate.

Last year, we shared some concepts with the community on how we’d like to improve it. First and foremost was making IANA’s purpose clear, and its key information easy to find. Based on the initial feedback, we are almost ready to launch a completely new IANA web site.

We have literally begun from scratch. All web pages have been rewritten, and their place on the website rethought. We are working towards fully standards compliant pages that work in many different browsers. We have also tried to lay a foundation so we can much more easily add new materials and features to the IANA website once it is launched.

So now that we have almost finished the conversion of the site, it is a great opportunity to offer a sneak peek and gather feedback on the almost final product. Our aim is to integrate your feedback, as well as tidy up the remaining rough edges, over the next few weeks. Once we are confident everything is working, we will then replace the existing IANA site.

The new site is at http://beta.iana.org/. Take a look and tell us what you think in the comment area below.


Kim Davies

Kim Davies

VP, IANA Services & President, PTI