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RegisterFly update: March 13, 2007

13 марта 2007
Автор Paul Levins

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This shows the number of domains transferred away from RegisterFly.com for the dates of March 9, 10, 11, 2007.

The numbers were:

Date No. domains transferred
March 9 1,114
March 10 707
March 11 345

ICANN has not received numbers for March 12.

This demonstrates that transfers are occurring, but the number is possibly small in comparison to the total number of registrants who may wish to transfer. ICANN staff also spoke to Kevin Medina from RegisterFly today.

ICANN has received many complaints about RegisterFly accepting payments via credit card and funds being deducted, the account credited, but no registration taking place. ICANN made it clear that this was to stop. RegisterFly agreed to cease this activity.

It was agreed that ICANN and RegisterFly would have a further discussion on March 14, 2007.


Paul Levins