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Ombudsman adds new page to website

11 мая 2009
Автор Frank Fowlie

Контент доступен только на следующих языках

  • English

The new page, found at:   http://icann.org/ombudsman/respectful-communication-en.htm  has been posted to provide community members with information on respectful communication and behaviour.

I view respectful communication as critical issue for ICANN in this phase of its development as an organization. During each year, I receive a number of complaints, which, at their essence, deal with hurt feelings resulting from disrespectful online or in person communications or behaviours. Members of the community are asked to bear in mind that fellow community members, volunteers, stakeholders, and staff members are all deserving of considerate treatment. Members of the community are asked to bear in mind that the diversity of thought, and diversity of participants, in this unique – bottom up – consensus driven – multilingual and multicultural organization is ICANN's strength.


Frank Fowlie