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Interview with ICANN president and CEO Paul Twomey

25 марта 2007
Автор Kieren McCarthy

Контент доступен только на следующих языках

  • English

In an effort to provide interested observers with some up-to-date information on what is happening with ICANN, the organisation’s general manager of public participation interviewed ICANN’s president and CEO Paul Twomey. The interview, running at just over 10 minutes, is made available here as an MP3 audio file.

The interview will be the first in a series with Dr Twomey outlining what has just happened, is soon to happen and is coming up on the horizon through the eyes of ICANN’s CEO. In this interview, he covers a presentation he gave to the ICC in Paris earlier that day, new generic top-level domains, the RegisterFly issue, IPv6 and .xxx. Any and all feedback is welcomed.

Download the interview here [mp3, 2MB].


Kieren McCarthy