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Hello from ALAC

7 апреля 2007
Автор Jacqueline Morris

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Hi everyone
I’m Jacqueline Morris, the new Chair of ALAC, the At-Large Advisory committee. The At-Large is the vehicle for individual Internet users to have a voice in ICANN, on policy matters, or on anything that’s of interest to the global community of individual Internet users. We’re one of two vehicles for Civil Society participation in ICANN, the other being the Non Commercial Users Constituency in the GNSO.

I was voted Chair on Monday, March 25th at the Lisbon meeting. Our previous Chair, Annette Muelhberg, voted Chair at the Sao Paulo meeting in December, recently resigned for personal reasons.

This is a really exciting and busy time for the ALAC. Finally, we have nearly finished building the global structure for participation, with 4 regional organisations formed, and one (North America) being discussed. This will give the individual users some access to ICANN decision making processes. There is a long way still to go, but we now have both feet firmly on the road.

We are about to undergo our external review – the Terms of Reference were posted March 30 for public comment. We are looking forward to the recommendations that come out from this. There are also a lot of policy issues arising now, including the new gTLD working group, IDNs, WhoIS, and more. The global internet user community will have a way to participate and comment on these policy issues.

I’ll post here from time to time, to let you all know what’s going on with the ALAC, or you can go to the ALAC site at http://alac.icann.org or join our mailing lists to provide input.

I’m looking forward to a really productive and interactive discussion with the ICANN community!

ALAC Chair


Jacqueline Morris