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  • English

ICANN for Beginners Virtual Program: Webinar Series


Are you curious about ICANN but don't know where to start? The ICANN for Beginners Virtual Program brings you a series of interactive webinars that offer a comprehensive introduction to ICANN, the Internet infrastructure, and the pivotal role you can play in shaping its future.

This program will help you to:

  • Learn about the global Internet ecosystem, how it works, and why a unified, interoperable, and secure Internet is important for everyone.
  • Understand ICANN and its role in the Internet infrastructure.
  • Learn how to actively engage and contribute to ICANN.

Program Overview

Immerse yourself in a series of one-hour webinars, moderated by ICANN staff and community members. Each session covers a specific topic, providing valuable insights and knowledge while encouraging interactive participation at ICANN.

The first webinar in the series, ICANN for Beginners: An Introduction, provides an overview of ICANN, its role, and how to participate. 

The second webinar in the series, ICANN for Beginners: Universal Acceptance, introduces newcomers to the basics of Universal Acceptance (UA), why it matters, what ICANN’s role is, and how to get involved in the global UA community.

The third webinar in the series, ICANN for Beginners: Policy and Advice Development, explores how policy is created at ICANN, why this is important for a functioning Internet, and how to contribute.

Upcoming Webinar

Stay tuned for our upcoming webinar on Registering and Managing Domain Names!

Learn about the relationship between ICANN and domain name registrants, the important role registrants play in the domain name industry, and discover best practices for registering and securely managing domain names.

More details coming soon.

Missed a Webinar? No Problem!

Catch up on previous editions by watching the recordings of our past webinars.


Have Questions?

Feel free to reach out to us at beginners@icann.org for any queries. We're here to guide you on your ICANN journey!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to participate in ICANN. Join us, and let's shape the future of the Internet together.