Объявления ICANN

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Request for Comments Regarding ICANN's Website

14 августа 2003

Контент доступен только на следующих языках

  • English

As part of an ongoing commitment to improve transparency and promote the ease of access of information, ICANN is beginning review of its website. ICANN wishes to solicit community input in this process. The website is the primary view into ICANN for many members of the community, and ICANN believes its community should have an important voice in decisions regarding a function with such a significant community impact. ICANN thus welcomes comments and recommendations from members of its supporting organizations, stakeholders, and the public at large.

All interested parties should send input to <website-comments@icann.org>. Answering the questions below would be of immense help to this process.

  1. How often do you visit the ICANN website?
  2. What categories of information do you look for?
  3. What information may be less prominent on ICANN's website than you think it should be?
  4. What parts of ICANN's website do you like?
  5. What parts of ICANN's website do you not like?
  6. Does the ICANN website load quickly or slowly?
  7. Do you like documents to be available in both Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (.pdf) and HTML?
  8. Other comments