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Public Comment: Proposed ICANN Meeting Dates 2011 - 2013

13 июля 2009

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ICANN Meeting Dates / Geographic Rotation
2011 — 2012 — 2013
13-18 March 2011 No. 40 | North America (Tentative)
19-24 June 2011 No. 41 | Asia (Tentative)
09-14 October 2011 No. 42 | Africa (Tentative)
23-28 October 2011 No. 42 Africa (Tentative)
Note: Based on preliminary feedback received during the comment period, we are considering the dates of 23-28 October for the third ICANN Meeting in 2011. Comments on these new proposed dates for October 2011 are welcome.
11-16 March 2012 No. 43 | Latin America (Tentative)
24-29 June 2012 No. 44 | Europe (Tentative)
14-19 October 2012 No. 45 | North America (Tentative)
07-12 April 2013 No. 46 | Asia (Tentative)
14-19 July 2013 No. 47 | Africa (Tentative)
17-22 November 2013 No. 48 | Latin America (Tentative)

While ICANN continues to examine the overall structure of its meeting dates and geographic rotation, it is important to move forward with future planning. In an effort to secure the dates for ICANN meetings through 2013, Staff recommendations have been developed for Public review and comment. Approving the meeting dates is important to prevent conflicts with other community events and to allow all participants sufficient time to plan their travel and attendance.

The proposed dates below have been selected based on careful avoidance of important holidays, celebrations, and observances around the globe. Similarly, every effort was made to identify and prevent scheduling conflicts with other community events.

ICANN will not be able to accommodate every request for a date change. However, in an effort to be fully cognizant of holidays and occasions from countries and religions around the world, we’d like to provide an opportunity for comment so the ICANN Public Participation Committee of the Board can move forward with approving the dates.

Deadline and How to Submit Comments: The Staff is opening a 30-day public comment forum, from 13 July 2009 through 14 August 2009, and invites community comments on this topic.

To submit comments: Comments are welcome via email to proposed-meeting-dates@icann.org. This public forum will be open through 14 August 2009.

To view comments: An archive of all comments received will be publicly posted at http://forum.icann.org/lists/proposed-meeting-dates.