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Public Comment: Draft FY11 Community Travel Support Guidelines

8 апреля 2010

Контент доступен только на следующих языках

  • English

Explanation: A public comment period has opened today for 30 days on the topic of community travel support to ICANN meetings.

In addition to Board members and staff attending ICANN international meetings, about 100 members of the ICANN community receive travel support. The travel guidelines specific how community members are selected to receive travel support. The budget impacts on ICANN of community travel support amount to nearly $1.5 million. Community members are invited to provide feedback on the proposed FY11 Travel guidelines. The proposed guidelines are here: http://www.icann.org/en/topics/travel-support/draft-travel-support-guidelines-05apr10-en.pdf [PDF, 212 KB]

The public comment period will close on 7 May 2010. If you wish to send in a comment, email travel-support-2011@icann.org. All comments can be viewed at http://forum.icann.org/lists/travel-support-2011/.

Related links:

Travel Guidelines, travel summaries, and travel reports: http://www.icann.org/en/topics/travel-support/