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Mexico City Briefing Note Published

9 марта 2009

В дополнение к языкам ICANN, этот материал также доступен на следующих языках

A briefing note on the Mexico City meeting of 1-6 March 2009 has been published.

ICANN's 34th international public meeting was hosted by ICANN, the Mexican Internet Association (AMIPCI), the Network Information Center (NIC) Mexico, and the Internet Society (ISOC) Mexico. Representatives of over 90 entities from ICANN's global individual Internet user community also gathered at the At-Large Summit which was an integral part of the meeting.

The briefing note summarizes key developments at the meeting and outlines next steps and sources of further information for each. The topics included are:

  • New generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs)
  • Internationalized Domain Names and the IDN Fast Track
  • At Large Summit
  • Amendments to the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA)
  • The Improving Institutional Confidence (IIC) consultation
  • GNSO Improvements
  • Independent Reviews
  • A summary of Board resolutions

The briefing note is an informal summary. The authoritative records of official meetings will be available in their minutes.

Further information about the meeting, including presentations and transcripts, is available at http://mex.icann.org/.

Information about the next meeting which will be from 21-26 June 2008 in Sydney, Australia can be found at its dedicated website at http://syd.icann.org.

Related links:

Mexico City briefing note: http://mex.icann.org/briefing-note

Mexico City meeting website: http://mex.icann.org/

Sydney meeting website: http://syd.icann.org