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ICANN to Place .Nowruz Into Emergency Back-End Registry Operator Program

3 июля 2024

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announced today that the generic top-level domain (gTLD) .nowruz is being placed into the Emergency Back-End Registry Operator (EBERO) program to protect domain name registrants.

Asia Green IT System Bilgisayar San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. (Asia Green), the registry operator for .nowruz, failed to meet the contractual obligation related to the emergency threshold of downtime for a Registration Data Directory Service. Four other gTLDs operated by Asia Green, .pars, .shia, .tci, and .xn--mgbt3dhd, were also not in compliance with this requirement. These four gTLDs currently have no registrants and, as such, have not been placed into the EBERO program at this stage. ICANN will closely monitor and assess the status of these four gTLDs and take the necessary steps to ensure the security and stability of the Internet, as well as protect future potential registrants. For more information, see the breach notice.

An EBERO provider may be temporarily activated if a gTLD registry operator is at risk of failing to sustain any of the five critical registry functions. Ensuring the availability of these functions helps to ensure the continued operation of registrants' domain names, and provides an additional layer of protection for the Domain Name System and industry ecosystem.

О корпорации ICANN

Миссия ICANN — способствовать обеспечению стабильности, безопасности и единства глобального интернета. Для того, чтобы связаться с кем-нибудь в интернете, в компьютер или другое устройство необходимо ввести адрес – имя или номер. Этот адрес должен быть уникальным, чтобы компьютеры могли друг друга находить. ICANN помогает координировать работу этих уникальных идентификаторов во всем мире. ICANN была сформирована в 1998 году в качестве некоммерческой общественной корпорации и сообщества участников со всего мира.