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ICANN Issues New TLD Application Process Overview

3 августа 2000

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  • English

Following the ICANN meetings in Yokohama in mid-July 2000, ICANN has received a very large number of inquiries regarding the process for applying to sponsor or operate new TLDs.

The nature and extent of the inquiries makes clear that there is a significant amount of confusion regarding the process for applying, the evaluation of applications, and the following steps toward implementation of new TLDs. The ICANN staff has concluded that to achieve a responsible introduction of new TLDs it is important to provide the community with a more detailed overview of the entire application process before detailed application instructions are issued.

The ICANN staff has posted a comprehensive overview, which permits prospective applicants to evaluate the resources that will be required to submit an application. The overview gives guidance on preparatory steps that should be taken before beginning actual drafting of the extensive application that will be necessary.

Documents giving additional details on the process and requirements will be made available later in August. We anticipate that the period for submitting applications will open on 5 September and close on 2 October.